Miscellaneous > The Lounge
The Stupid Mac User Myth
You have two people using a program they've never used before. One is a mac user and the other is a windows user.
* The mac user complains a little but quickly figures out what is going on and what to do.
* The windows user is confused and upset and doesn't understand "what menu" to go to.
I'm not saying people who use windows are stupid, as there are some smart people who do, but the same goes in return. I have never understood Apple bashing (the personal attacks against people who use them, and the crap people give them). I brought this up because I see so many people do it, and I don't see the point :\.
Edit: This probably belongs in the lounge.
[ November 19, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]
That myth still exists? :rolleyes:
quote: Edit: This probably belongs in the lounge.
--- End quote ---
It depends on what kind of program it is. Sometimes it can be the other way around. People like me who've used Macs their entire lives get confused quickly by complex directions because we're used to quick fixes to everything and instant gratification. What can I say, Apple has spoiled me.
Personally Ive used linux so much that going to a windows platform or a mac platform is torturous. Things that are logically located in linux, are in the oddest places when I get on a different Operating system. Things that seem simple to me in linux (compiling programs, debugging software problems), seems hard for me, especially on macs. This has to do not with the design of the platform, but with my skills at using it.
I love Macs, I think OSX is one of a kind
you have to realize that bashing Macs is a product of frustration and doubt when people realize that they made the wrong decision of operating system, but people will usually stick with the crap rather than get a new OS, hence windows users, and they quell their frustration by believing in there OS religiously.
I don't think Linux is better than OSX, I just think that Linux is better for me. does that make any sense??
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