Miscellaneous > The Lounge

I ate a baby!

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So nice and tasty  :D

Every halloween, I like to do something sick and twisted. This halloween I ate an 8month old. I baught it on the black market, and rosted it on a spit in my living room.

Once it was nice and crisp, I dug in. I love the tender flesh, the crispy skin with that vague "pork" flavor.

What did all you guys do for halloween?


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
So nice and tasty   :D  

Every halloween, I like to do something sick and twisted. This halloween I ate an 8month old. I baught it on the black market, and rosted it on a spit in my living room.

Once it was nice and crisp, I dug in. I love the tender flesh, the crispy skin with that vague "pork" flavor.

What did all you guys do for halloween?
--- End quote ---

I visseted me parents(...and that's a lot more scary than eating an 8month old!)  ;)

I seduced a horse.

I fed rkmaster to a dragon I saw trick-or-treating downstairs   :D

I went around the hooker


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