Miscellaneous > The Lounge
My new machine(well... old but better than this one)
Here goes:
P2 350mhz
32x speed cd
Avance Logic ALS100+ (this one's supported by alsa IIRC)
ATi Rage 128 32mb video
It's not very advanced or modern or anything but it's better than this one that i'm currently using:
4x speed cd
Avance Logic ALS400
S3 Stealth 64 vram 4mb video
8gb(1 hd, which is a Seagate 3gb iirc and the other one's a 5gb of which i don't know the brand)
I'm happy, this one plays CS with not too much problems on lower resolutions. I played CS on that with a i740 and got around 30fps in windows, and from what i've heard CS is better on WineX than on normal Windows(2 people telling that to me) Besides, if I really need it, I could upgrade it.
I'm still deciding which one to chose: Red Hat 8.0 or Mandrake 9.0?
BTW, for all the people caring about me and hardly seeing me anymore. I left a while and then returned and lurked a lil, made a few posts. I'm not really an active poster.
Red Hat 8 rocks! And that system would run fine with both i reckon.
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