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quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
hmmmm, maybe we should do a totorial of the plumbing commands(cat, dd, >, >>, <, echo) and friends, cuase with those commands, i can do almost anything/*well, cdrecord might come in handy*/
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i concur completely. plumbing commands need a quick run through. the only tutorial i have seen that really goes into this sort of thing (and it's a big one) is this one, and yes i found it on google!  ;)


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
do you think so? i like that idea since it will mean i no longer have to actually write anything however much of the online docs are not geared towards the *complete* newbie, and a lot of the questions asked on these forums are from *complete* newbies.

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You bring up some good points. And one advantage for those writing the FAQ entries is that the writers themselves will learn more about the subject they are writing (hopefully because of much research).  I the FAQ answers could be trimmed for the ultimate newbie and then at the end pointer links could be placed for further in depth reading...

i agree. most particularly i agree about doing the research. i would never have thought to drag out the 46 page .ps document that describes the full workings of lilo if not for committing myself to a faq about it...


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
i concur completely. plumbing commands need a quick run through. the only tutorial i have seen that really goes into this sort of thing (and it's a big one) is this one, and yes i found it on google!     ;)    
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Actually what you guys are referring to as "plumbing commands" are actually "piping and redirection".  For specific information on those you would want to search for "piping and redirection" on google.  You know you will have the right pages if you find one that explains these redirections which I use quite often:



> prog_stdout.txt 2> prog_stderr.txt

A lot of good basic information could also come from books like "UNIX in a nutshell" or "Linux in a nutshell". If I recall they do a good job at covering all of this basic stuff, and basic commands and examples of how to tie them together. Of course with good searches all of that same information (and more) can be found by searching google. But if you are new to UNIX/Linux it is harder to tell if the web pages you are looking at actually has quality information.

And another great source of information are the man pages of course and should probably be looked at first.  For instance, do a "man bash" and search for "redirection".

[ September 17, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

good idea, i always felt a bit at a loss to search for that stuff since it was my understanding that to read the man pages, you must know the name of something, and of course, if you don't (or even know it exists) then you won't find it.

Re: plumbing, well, pipes, makes sense, doesn't it?  ;)   :D


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