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Iraqs new flag

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Aaron Ni:
Why change it?

It's their country and not ours, let them change what they want.


quote:Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
Why change it?

It's their country and not ours, let them change what they want.
--- End quote ---

Accept that its not them that are changing the flag.  

But like you said and I quote.

It's their country and not ours,

--- End quote ---

So why are you(Meaning the U.S. Bush regime) changing it?

[ June 25, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ June 25, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]


quote:Posted by nearly everyone else:
Flag this, flag that.
--- End quote ---

Who cares what the flag is going to be.  There are much more important things to worry about over there.

Aaron Ni:
Warning for the intelligence impaired!

The text below does not represent my actual feelings, it's intended as humour.

So dont get your panties in a bind.

It's part of the US's "Democracy" package their selling to Iraq.

This country doesnt force democracy on other countries.  It kicks a countries boss out of office and offers to sale them freedom and democracy, this usually involves changing the flag to display their "Newfound patriotism" and other things of that ilk.

So technically They (Meaning Iraq) changed the flag, but only because it was part of the Democracy package deal they bought into.

EDIT: Edited so people dont get confused....


[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: Aaron-V4.0 ]


quote:Aaron-V4.0: It's part of the US's "Democracy" package their selling to Iraq.

This country doesnt force democracy on other countries.  It kicks a countries boss out of office and offers to sale them freedom and democracy, this usually involves changing the flag to display their "Newfound patriotism" and other things of that ilk.

So technically They (Meaning Iraq) changed the flag, but only because it was part of the Democracy package deal they bought into.
--- End quote ---

I think they changed the flag so that foreigners won't see Iraq as the Saddam country. Investors may be scared of if they saw the current Iraq flag.
The United States has every reason for Iraq to become a stable country, because of the oil. Yes, it sounds like a cliche but it's true.
Right now, investors like Chevron-Texaco and Royal Dutch Oil/Shell stay out of Iraq because of the ongoing killings in the region. And that's something that the Bush administration want the less. In a desparate attempt to get the world oil supply higher by "liberating" Iraq, they failed to see the consequences of the occupation of their troops.


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