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Iraqs new flag

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quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
I think they changed the flag so that foreigners won't see Iraq as the Saddam country.
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Good point.  Others should see Iraq as a different country now.


quote:Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
It's part of the US's "Democracy" package their selling to Iraq.
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Oh yea, that "democracy" package.  The same package that has killed innocent people and left the whole country in complete waste.

This country doesnt force democracy on other countries.
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Of course not.  To do that you have to know what democracy is, your 'country' does not.  

 It kicks a countries boss out of offic
e and offers to sale them freedom and democracy,
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Really, then why haven't you kicked out Bush?

and offers to sale them freedom and democracy,

Translation:  Give us your oil or else!!!

 this usually involves changing the flag to display their "Newfound patriotism" and other things of that ilk.
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The why haven't you A.) Changed the U.S. Flag and B.) Kicked out Bush?  Since its America that needs to be 'liberated' more than Iraq.  

So technically They (Meaning Iraq) changed the flag, but only because it was part of the Democracy package deal they bought into.
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So Iraq baught this "Democracy package deal."

So when I come over to your house, rape your children, kill your wife I can then take everything you own and call it mine since thats a "Democracy package" you bought into. Of course you bught that 'Democracy Package' when I saw you pull  into your driveway with your shinny new car.    

In order for democracy to work you first should know what it is.  No its NOT invading other peoples countries, killing innocent people, establishing your own goverment and your own ownership and lastly YOU  have no right to change the flag since you are the cause not the solution to the problem.

[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

I think they changed the flag so that foreigners won't see Iraq as the Saddam country.
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Thats bull.  Thats the same as seeing the american flag as Bush's country.  everyone knows that presedents and leaders change.

If you are going to state such then why not change the U.S. flag when Bush is gone?  

 Investors may be scared of if they saw the current Iraq flag.

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Well, investers ARE scared of america.  Not because of the flag but because of your 'leader.'

Guess that means you should change your flag.

The United States has every reason for Iraq to become a stable country, because of the oil. Yes, it sounds like a cliche but it's true.
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I'm not going to argue with that.  It makes scense and is true.  But, killing innocent people, just for oil?

Right now, investors like Chevron-Texaco and Royal Dutch Oil/Shell stay out of Iraq because of the ongoing killings in the region. And that's something that the Bush administration want the less. In a desparate attempt to get the world oil supply higher by "liberating" Iraq, they failed to see the consequences of the occupation of their troops.
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Well that I agree with.  But most of those buisnessess have done dealings with Saddam long before the invasion.  Infact Iraq used to pump over 1 Million Barrels of oil into the market and was one of the most active members towards OPEC.

The only difference is that the puppet (saddam) had lost his strings and the U.S didn't like that.  They could no longer control that oil.  Thus they invaded and istablished a  new puppet goverment.  This time consisting with one all american and 5 or 6 puppets.


Besides you stated::

quote:It's a countrie's flag, it's not supposed to be flashy or cool. They're meant to identify with the country it belongs to and be distinguishable from other countries, though you'll see trends of similar designs like Aus, US, UK and some European countries and their 3 colour bar sectioned flags.
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So you ivaded a country, killed millions of people and recked everything that country stood for.  So your answer is that because you are now the so called 'leaders' you are the only ones allowed to change the flag.  Yet right there in your quote.

They're meant to identify with the country it belongs to and be

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Well, since that country has nothing to do with the U.S. and no just because you invated it does not give you the right eather, why should you change the flag?  Are you an Iraqie citizen?  Do you live there?

Nope.  I rest my case.

Why the hell did that need three seperate posts???
I'm inclined to delete them all.
Fix that shit up.


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