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Iraqs new flag

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quote:Originally posted by Tux:
Why the hell did that need three seperate posts???
I'm inclined to delete them all.
Fix that shit up.
--- End quote ---

Because i'm replying to seperate people and one added note.

Sorry if you can't get it.

[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

Aaron Ni:
My last post was intended as pure humour Solaris, get a grip man.

EDIT: I also added a warning so no other people of Solaris's IQ get confused.

[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: Aaron-V4.0 ]


quote:Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
My last post was intended as pure humour Solaris, get a grip man.

EDIT: I also added a warning so no other people of Solaris's IQ get confused.

[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: Aaron-V4.0 ]
--- End quote ---

Well your first statment was

It's a countrie's flag, it's not supposed to be flashy or cool. They're meant to identify with the country it belongs to and be distinguishable from other countries, though you'll see trends of similar designs like Aus, US, UK and some European countries and their 3 colour bar sectioned flags.

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Which was correct so I asked why change it?

you then responded with ::

Its their flag.  So they can do whatever they want.

--- End quote ---

I responed that you are correct that it is their flag and they can change it so why are the americans changing it and not leaving it alone?

Then you responed

It's part of the US's "Democracy" package their selling to Iraq.

This country doesnt force democracy on other countries. It kicks a countries boss out of office and offers to sale them freedom and democracy, this usually involves changing the flag to display their "Newfound patriotism" and other things of that ilk.

So technically They (Meaning Iraq) changed the flag, but only because it was part of the Democracy package deal they bought into.

--- End quote ---

So I asked you a searious question after your searious statment then you responded with an answer that was meant to be a 'joke' and not a serious answer.

Yea.  You really are thick headed if you can't even follow your own conversation that you started with the first statment.


[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

Aaron Ni:
Like I said, it was meant as a joke.

Though I understand that most people dont know me enough to understand so I apologise for not making myself clearer.


quote:Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
Like I said, it was meant as a joke.

Though I understand that most people dont know me enough to understand so I apologise for not making myself clearer.
--- End quote ---

Yea, I guess this conversation is getting out of hand.  I apologise for gettong over heated

Well in any case, like Paladin9 said.  The flag may be important but its not compared to what is happening in the reagon now.



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