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quote:And finally, what you mean by "recked anything they stood for?" Iraq stood for a maniacal dictator who kept everybody scared and poor by killing all opposition and stealing all oil money for himself. Not a great argument.
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Exactly. They didn't wreck any of that - they preserved it all nicely. They even managed to keep the torture and everything.


quote:Originally posted by WMD:

Seriously man, you need to stop saying "killed millions of people."  It didn't happen.  It was thousands.  It's still killing, but using "millions" tends to make people think of Hitler, who did much worse than Bush could ever pull off.  Don't mislead.
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Whats to mislead?  He has killed millions and yes as bush'es goverment goes, he is hitler.Just without the brains But whether it be millions or thousands its still genocide  .  Its obviuous.


It does sicken me that you deny this, expecialy when the damage is so brutaly obvious.

Also, many of the Iraqis that have been killed were killed by the bombers over there who seek to kill Americans.  Makes me think that they don't care any more than we do.

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Well, no.  Most of those civilian casulties were caused by the air raids of Falloojeh by use of those "smart bombs.".  Not to mention the continuation of 'raids' into peoples homes by those americans and the distruction they have caused.  All those that 'seek to kill americans' are simply defeinding their home.

And finally, what you mean by "recked anything they stood for?"  Iraq stood for a maniacal dictator who kept everybody scared and poor by killing all opposition and stealing all oil money for himself.  Not a great argument.            [/qb]
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They had history, musims, schools, universities, hospitals, shopping marts, peace and even order order.  Thats with the 10 year sanctions the U.S impossed on Iraq.  Kept every one scared and poor  Nope that was the U.S. sanctions and as far as killing all opposition.  Well other than the americans he did a great job at keeping Al-Quida out.  

stealing oil and money. Well sadam may not be a great guy.  Infact he really isn't no better than the other puppets that sit on the concel now.  But regardless he ain't no bush!  

Your right though its "Not a great argument." expaecialy the ruin of iraq is americas fault.


[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

Edit: Fixed the boldness.
Tux 18:20 GMT

[ June 30, 2004: Message edited by: Tux ]


quote:Originally posted by Paladin9:
How about making Bush the new president of Iraq?  Then ho could not run for re-election.
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great, thats all the Iraqie people need.  A hateful dictator that is completly mad!


its just to hard to look at. clutters up your brain.


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quote:Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq
Min            Max
9451           11333

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...Yet you continue to say that millions are dead.

quote:But whether it be millions or thousands its still genocide . Its obviuous.
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