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Iraqs new flag
For the love of God, Solaris. Get the hint. Shut up. The reason I posted the first few lines (sans the genocide part) is because you always bring in the entire Iraq issue and anti-Americanism into EVERY SINGLE ONE of your replies, when you really shouldn't--not when debating something specific, like the modification of the flag.
This is basically what you're doing:
Don't do this.
Your comparison to Nazi Germany is terrible, and makes no sense. The US has not a single trace of fascism in it, including the Nazi version of it (Nazim). Nor is it following Hitler's ideas. If you don't agree with me, read a book or two on the subject of Nazism and read Hitler's writings. You'll find that the US is far from any of that. If you read about WWII, you might also find that the US and Nazi Germany aren't all that similar.
The fact of the matter is, no matter how bad the invasion is, the United States is there under a certain set of pretexts--a set of pretexts it has to at least pretend to address. Get this through your thick skull. Even though the WMDs never existed (at least as far as we now), and even though the US forces probably know this, they are *still searching for them*. Even the US has enough tact to do this. Same with the flag. Although the U.S may have not even cared all that much about Saddam (relatively, of course), they still called him out and pretended they had to take him out. You don't do this and then not change the flag that carries his legacy.
Furthermore, you have to be extremely ignorant, extremely naive, or both, to think that the coalition can just pack up, leave, and let them do whatever. Here is a suprise: the American pigdog Devils (is that good enough?) destroyed the infastructure. A lot of the current Iraqi facilities are inadequate. Basic needs for running a democracy, like a census, are nonexistant. Fixing and setting up this sort of thing is time-consuming and hard. Never in history has such a thing been committed. Google the reconstruction of Japan to see a semi-like example (yes, yes, I know, the Americans didn't invade Japan for its precious rock and poki, but the situation was quite similar in what needs/needed to be accomplished).
quote:For many Iraqies the old flag represented the country and not just saddam.
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And since Saddam has now been removed, he should not (by the coalition's logic, which you really can't argue, because yours really isn't any better) have any mention in a national treasure. From a coalition supposed point-of-view, all he did either involved shooting rifles or gassing his own people. Remember?
quote:As you yourself claim that the U.S. flag represents your country
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The US is not my country.
quote:and is nutral to you even when bush has now changed the meaning of that flag!
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I don't think you understood what I meant. The flag represents no one in particular. It doesn't represent Nixon, it doesn't represent Clinton, nor does it represent Monica Lewinsky. It represents the U.S. If Bush's piss stains were to suddenly become an official part of the US flag, I would fully support changing it. I would do the same if it suddenly included Lincoln's beautiful sewing patterns.
quote:For alot of people the U.S. flag means death and not freedom. So given that should an outside force invade your country and change your flag simply because to the invaders your flag represents bush?
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Yeah, because that makes sense and that's exactly what happened. Remember during the latest presidential address Bush said he just couldn't STAND the Iraqi flag's colors, and that he was TOTALLY going to call the fasion police/Marine Corps?
Yeah, me neither. Alert the CNN.
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: TheQuirk: I Just Want Attention ]
quote:Hello old chaps!
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My, my, you seem like a very well informed fellow. Being the intelligent scholar that I'm sure you are, I hope you won't mind if I go through this post in your own coveted style of posting (but perhaps with better "grammer").
not at all go right ahead.
What the US is currently "selling" to Iraq is the best thing they can give them. If we were to suddenly make Iraq a clone of the USA in terms of government and liberties, all hell would break loose, as if it hasn't already.
Thats the problem here. People think that the U.S. is "selling" or giving them a "deal." Somthing that is completly stupid.
Hmm, while I don't disagree that Bush isn't the greatest President our country has ever known, and while I don't agree that we should've invaded Iraq, there is a rather large difference between Mr. Bush and Mr. Hussein. Mr. Bush hasn't indiscriminately killed Iranian civilians using chemical weapons (and although I don't speak from personal experience, I can't imagine that's a very nice way to die). Mr. Bush didn't control the media and the press. Mr. Bush is the product, albeit an unfortunate product, of a free society.
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He gave the chemical weapons to Mr Hussain during that war. Also Iran had killed many Iraqi civilians during that time. Also during this war. Mr Bush has used such things as cluster bombs and the like that also do great damage!
quote:Well, investers ARE scared of america. Not because of the flag but because of your 'leader.'
Oh shit! It's America!
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A free market cannot be run under a dictatorship.
quote:great, thats all the Iraqie people need. A hateful dictator that is completly mad!
Since you seem to be able to delve into the inner mind of our god-fearing President, perhaps you could tell us his favorite breakfast cereal.
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Its easy to see that Bush hasn't got it all up staires if he made these stupid mistakes.
Uh, whether or not the war was justified is a completely moot point. Shit happens. It's war. 'nuff said.
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I'm not disagreeing with you. That is true. But 'shit happens' is not good enough when someone life is distroied. Like I have said before there is Lots of knowledge and history to have learn't from. They (the U.S.) should of known better.
quote:Are you an Iraqie?
Are you?
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No. But I have friends that are Iraqi and are living in Iraq. I am also half east indian and like wize have already experianced the predjudice and racism of this current U.S. regime. So yes I have experiance.
How is what we're doing ethnic cleansing?
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MOTOVE! key word here. For hitler it was ethnic clensing. For bush its a resource. Its the motive to commit the crime.
So it's first an ethnic cleansing, now it's not? By the way, what's a reasourse?
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I never said anything about ethnic cleansing. I did say he had killed millions of people. But numbers don't matter when murder is involved.
he field of resource economics includes the study of environmental economics, agricultural production and marketing, bioeconomics, community economic development, resource utilization, and environmental policy.
It has evolved as the idea of "natural resources" and "human resources" were challenged by the ideas of "natural capital" and "human capital" and is now hard to characterize as a separate field of its own. It was a major influence on the theory of Natural Capitalism and of eco-villages.
See also: green economists, environmental finance, sustainable development
I know that numbers don't matter, Solaris, and that Bush has both directly and indirectly caused many deaths, but I doubt that the numbers amount to millions of deliberate murders. If you want to be taken seriously, you should stop exaggerating. Give some conservative estimates.
If you really think that Bush has caused millions of deaths, then you should show where you get your statistics, and how the deaths were caused by the Bush regime, directly or otherwise.
quote:For the love of God, Solaris. Get the hint. Shut up.
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Why, so that the U.S. can do all of what Nazis did but its the U.S. so its ok!
If people like you can say well, the holocaust was evil but the U.S. has done nothing of the sort I will continue to correct you.
The reason I posted the first few lines (sans the genocide part) is because you always bring in the entire Iraq issue and anti-Americanism into EVERY SINGLE ONE of your replies, when you really shouldn't--not when debating something specific, like the modification of the flag.
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What the hell? There is nothing 'anti-american' about it. If you are stupid enough to repeat history then you whine when people label you. Its VERY peecific! I have not brought this issue in EVRY SINGLE ONE OF MY REPLIES. I have posted already other tpoics as well as I have proven the topics that you have givin the caption of. If this whole bush thing upsets you that much stop posting it then.
How thick are you?
This is basically what you're doing:
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No you are doing that. Stop twisting things around. Its obvious in what is going on.
Don't do this.
Your comparison to Nazi Germany is terrible, and makes no sense.
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How does it not? Ah yes, its america so its ok then.
The US has not a single trace of fascism in it, including the Nazi version of it (Nazim).
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Bush has proven you wrong. No argument. There is enough knowledge out there.
Nor is it following Hitler's ideas.
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The invasion of Iraq and Afganisitan, the cause of 9/11 and the U.S. patriot Act proves otherwize.
--- Quote --- If you don't agree with me, read a book or two on the subject of Nazism and read Hitler's writings.
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I have done. Thats why the definition fits. Whether YOU disagree with me or not you cannot change the hard facts of reality.
You'll find that the US is far from any of that. If you read about WWII, you might also find that the US and Nazi Germany aren't all that similar.
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Other than the ethnic cleansing everything else IS the same.
The fact of the matter is, no matter how bad the invasion is, the United States is there under a certain set of pretexts--a set of pretexts it has to at least pretend to address.
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Ah yes. For the U.S. its a set of 'pretext.' For germany it was not. Even though they have DONE THE SAME THING!
Get this through your thick skull.
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Yes read that sentence GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!!! you ARE guilty of doing the same things!!! Expecialy when you yourself DENY it!
Even though the WMDs never existed (at least as far as we now),
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They DON'T it has been PROVEN ALREADY!!!
and even though the US forces probably know this,
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THEY DO know this.
they are *still searching for them*.
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Sure, if thats what you want to imagine. Hitler
Even the US has enough tact to do this. Same with the flag.
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If they did have enough 'tact' to do this then by you hitler was right. After all he had enough 'tact' to say that poland, England and france etc... were threats to germany.
Nope! America has no rights in Iraq.
Although the U.S may have not even cared all that much about Saddam (relatively, of course),
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They cared enouogh to give him power. To make him an exuse for their invasion.
they still called him out and pretended they had to take him out.
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No saddam called the U.S. out. To discuss diplomaticaly and resolve the conflict. Bush said no.
You don't do this and then not change the flag that carries his legacy.
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It does not carry just 'his legacy.' If discussed this already. No you still have no right to change the flag!
Furthermore, you have to be extremely ignorant, extremely naive, or both, to think that the coalition can just pack up, leave, and let them do whatever.
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Furthermore, you have to be extremely ignorant, extremely naive, or both, to think that the occupation forces can continue to stay there and plunder everything insight while giving the exuse that its 'for the good of the people' when everything else proves otherwize! ITS NOT ignorant to say that they should leave. Expecialy when they wern't supposed to be there in the first place.
Here is a suprise: the American pigdog Devils (is that good enough?) destroyed the infastructure. A lot of the current Iraqi facilities are inadequate.
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Maby but even AFTER the sanctions THAT YOU put on them they STILL served their purpose!
Basic needs for running a democracy, like a census, are nonexistant.
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While you are there yes.
Fixing and setting up this sort of thing is time-consuming and hard.
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Of course it is so why doesn' the occupation leave so the prossess can begin.
Never in history has such a thing been committed.
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Yes it has Nazi germany was trying to set up what *it* thought was right. Surprise they failed too.
Google the reconstruction of Japan to see a semi-like example (yes, yes, I know, the Americans didn't invade Japan for its precious rock and poki, but the situation was quite similar in what needs/needed to be accomplished).
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I will look it up when I have time.
And since Saddam has now been removed, he should not (by the coalition's logic, which you really can't argue, because yours really isn't any better) have any mention in a national treasure.
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Yes saddam was removed but its up to THE IRAQIES to decide that. How many times have I repeated this?
And you call me 'thick skulled!'
From a coalition supposed point-of-view, all he did either involved shooting rifles or gassing his own people. Remember?
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From an occupation point of view the opposit is always 'evil'. For Nazi jermany it was the jews that were 'evil.'
As for 'shooting rifles or gassing his own people.'
Do I have to remind you again that it was the U.S. that put him in power in the first place, that gave him those weapons and who told to attack Iran when all of a sudden they changed their mind!
Do I have to remind you that alot of people that were 'gassed' in iraq were related to Alqguida and other terroist organizations. Yes thats right Saddam never got along with alquida and the like. However bush is very buddy buddy with the bin ladins.
How about I remind you about the Iraq and Iran war where BOTH sides lost a number of people!
Seems you need alot to be rememberd of.
quote:As you yourself claim that the U.S. flag represents your country
The US is not my country.
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Could explain your ignorance on the subject and why you are twisting words. A pro bushie would of mentioned the word 'liberal' or 'leftie' by now.
Also even the majotity americans know that all this is wrong. I guess they are all 'anti-american.'
I don't think you understood what I meant. The flag represents no one in particular.
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Ot doesn't have to. It what that flag represents when that country does or has done something.
It doesn't represent Nixon, it doesn't represent Clinton, nor does it represent Monica Lewinsky.
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It does. Maby not to you but it represents all those things. It represents not only the people but the values of the 'leaders' and their thoughts and opinions.
Even then what right does an outside force have on changing your flag. You Think its neutral but to outside forces its not. So does that mean an outside force can invade your country and change your flag?
It represents the U.S.
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...and its leaders.
If Bush's piss stains were to suddenly become an official part of the US flag, I would fully support changing it.
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Great, when are you going to change it?
I would do the same if it suddenly included Lincoln's beautiful sewing patterns.
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Luckly it doesn't but when he rained office the flag represented him as well.
Yeah, because that makes sense and that's exactly what happened.
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Remember during the latest presidential address Bush said he just couldn't STAND the Iraqi flag's colors, and that he was TOTALLY going to call the fasion police/Marine Corps?
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He didn't have to. He invades a country, calls it his own by changing that flag.
Yeah, me neither. Alert the CNN.
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So we have two things here. Your continuing imagination of me mentioning bush in every post and complain that I'm not spesific. Yet you are clouding this conversation with that assumption which has no grounds.
You think just because its the good ol' U.S of A thats trampling over people its not the same as Nazism.
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: TheQuirk: I Just Want Attention ]
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