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Iraqs new flag

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quote:Has Bush declared publically that America is superior to everything else in the world? No.
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If that includes declaring that the US is "the greatest country on Earth" then yes, of course he has.


quote:Originally posted by SheedRicolan:
Main Entry: fas

Since you are not getting it i'll just post it again!


That is what YOU are saying.

That is NOT what I am saying. People who support Hitler are Nazi's people who follow hitlers ideals and value system are Nazi's.

Why because That is what hitler's intention was. To bring up people that believe in Nazism and follow his principles.

We know this because of the course of history. We know what a 'Nazi' is and does. Just by what theuy had done throught history.

Again we have a goverment that is following that principle and value system. Creating that exact attmoshere and we have the same followers. Because all of this has already happend there is now a fundamental definnition to go by. The main reason for the definnition is in fact that they have both created chaos by that of fear using the same techniques.

    but then you say its wrong that bush says, "if you dont support the war you're a terrorist"

Yes. This is because bush, like hitler is the instigator of this war. He is the cause. There is anough evedence on this now.

Do not think for a second I'm just throwing this definition around. It is being used properly! Unlike the word 'terrorism.' Which used to mean any goverment and/or people that puts fear into ordinary people.

5. Definition of Nazism (begginers)
Nazism derives its name from the German initials for the Nazionalsozialist party (National Socialist), and the Nationalsozialismus ideology.

It should be pointed at this stage, that despite it


quote:Do I have to remind you that alot of people that were 'gassed' in iraq were related to Alqguida and other terroist organizations.
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Like the 180,000 Kurds?  :confused:

Partial List of Saddam's Crimes

quote:He didn't have to. He invades a country, calls it his own by changing that flag.
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changing flag = declaring country own?  :confused:

quote:nor has he made laws that say anyone who says "America sucks" will go to jail (but they'll probably go to hell anyway for being commies).
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That was funny.  :D

--- Quote ---Has Bush declared publically that America is superior to everything else in the world? No.
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Yes, the term "Bring it on!"
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--- Quote ---Bush has made no laws saying that Muslims cannot practice in the US,
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He has raided mosques and EVEN tried to register them!!!
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And that stops them from practicing...how?  :confused:

--- Quote --- nor has he made laws that say he controls the television or print media,
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He stated that aljazzera was 'causing terroism' yet CNN was not?
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If you can't see where I'm going here: Most of your counter-arguments are confusing and don't seem to make a real point, yet you attempt to pass them off as "obvious."


quote:Partial List of Saddam's Crimes
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I see Rush Limbaugh cites torture as one of the crimes committed under Saddam's regime. It's interesting that when Americans are doing the torture he passes it off as "emotional release".


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