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quote:Originally posted by flap:

I see Rush Limbaugh cites torture as one of the crimes committed under Saddam's regime. It's interesting that when Americans are doing the torture he passes it off as "emotional release".
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Saddam's torture included cutting off body parts...nowhere near the "torture" of taking pictures of naked dudes piled on each other in a prison.  Humiliating, yes, of course.  But not to Saddam's level.


quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
I also should point out that during the first uprising of saddam the U.S. instigated the citizens to go against him.  When they did the U.S. didn't do anything but sat and watched all the people that believed in what the U.S. was saying get slaughtered!
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Right on. Do you know why the first coalition didn't go into Bagdhad? Because all its Middle Eastern allies (not including Israel, of course) demanded that Iraq remains stable, so instability wouldn't occur in the region. This is also why the US was not able to help out the uprising.

One more, sorry:

quote:He gave the chemical weapons to Mr Hussain during that war. Also Iran had killed many Iraqi civilians during that time. Also during this war. Mr Bush has used such things as cluster bombs and the like that also do great damage!
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Bush was not a president between 1980 and 1989. Bush Sr. was elected in 1989, the year the conflict ended.

What are you talking about?

quote:A free market cannot be run under a dictatorship.
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Erm? A dictatorship _here_? That's not true.


quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk: I Just Want Attention:

Right on. Do you know why the first coalition didn't go into Bagdhad? Because all its Middle Eastern allies (not including Israel, of course) demanded that Iraq remains stable, so instability wouldn't occur in the region. This is also why the US was not able to help out the uprising.
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If that was the case then why on earth did the U.S. egged on the Iraqie people in the first place?

A few things the U.S. could do even now is, help build a goverment that the iraqies themselves can vote in and letting local people run in that election.  Instead of putting up a puppet council made up of exsiles, ciminals or anyone that has a hand in the bush regime.

and to let local companies of iraq as well as all countries globaly, help build Iraq.  This means also that the U.S. cannot state who can get what contract for what.


quote:Originally posted by WMD:

Saddam's torture included cutting off body parts...nowhere near the "torture" of taking pictures of naked dudes piled on each other in a prison.  Humiliating, yes, of course.  But not to Saddam's level.
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It is when you are doing that humiliation in a sociaty where that is a lot more harmful than any toruture.


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