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Bush was not a president between 1980 and 1989. Bush Sr. was elected in 1989, the year the conflict ended.
What are you talking about?
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Erm? A dictatorship _here_? That's not true.[/QB]
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Your laws, values and attitude of your govement states otherwize
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
It is when you are doing that humiliation in a sociaty where that is a lot more harmful than any toruture.
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I don't understand. Can you re-word that? :confused:
Before I get criticized for that, I know the prison scandal was wrong. I want their (participating soldiers) heads in Futurama-like containers on a shelf in my room. But it wasn't as bad as some things that Saddam's people did.
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]
quote:A few things the U.S. could do even now is, help build a goverment that the iraqies themselves can vote in and letting local people run in that election. Instead of putting up a puppet council made up of exsiles, ciminals or anyone that has a hand in the bush regime.
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As reported on the news, there will be elections in 2005. What evidence is there that the current council is a "puppet?" Exiles of Saddam, I bet, but what evidence is there that those guys want to help Bush out with oil? They're mostly Iraqi people on there.
quote:Originally posted by WMD:
--- Quote ---As reported on the news, there will be elections in 2005.
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They said that Iraq goes to the people on June 30th. Guess what. A couple of american heads leaving doesn't cut it. Expecialy when the occupation is still ongoing.
What evidence is there that the current council is a "puppet?" Exiles of Saddam, I bet, but what evidence is there that those guys want to help Bush out with oil? They're mostly Iraqi people on there.[/b]
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A blog of an iraqi would explain that. Also most are NOT iraqi people on there. Breimer(sp?) which was hand picked by bush had put in power exiles that had been tossed out of Iraq when saddam was in power. Alot them that sit on the council were related to terroist groups such as alquida and the like and like I said before alquida and saddam never got along!
Allot of the new council that is on there don't even stay in Iraq! They always comment from outside and repeat whatever the U.S. says. Expecialy when the cameras are rolling and people see everything that contradicts what they say.
Its obvious that there helping Bush. They were hand picked by his hench men! In a rich oil country.
Like I said before. If they wanted to help the people then why not let the people choose?
EDIT: found that post....
quote: have to post this fast. The electrical situation has been hellish today. There's no schedule
quote:Originally posted by WMD:
I don't understand. Can you re-word that? :confused:
Before I get criticized for that, I know the prison scandal was wrong. I want their (participating soldiers) heads in Futurama-like containers on a shelf in my room. But it wasn't as bad as some things that Saddam's people did.
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]
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again I quote the Iraqie blog....
Just Go...
People are seething with anger- the pictures of Abu Ghraib and the Brits in Basrah are everywhere. Every newspaper you pick up in Baghdad has pictures of some American or British atrocity or another. It's like a nightmare that has come to life.
Everyone knew this was happening in Abu Ghraib and other places
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