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Really need some info here...Help me out???

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Yes, they did use maya, however on linux frames i'm not sure, I would have to do some research on that.  Maya is a very advanced prog...ie...I can't figure it out.  I get field test copies for the 3dmax series and that fugger is a bitch to learn.  But if 3d modelling is something you're interested in.  Do not ask people how to...rather get the books and tutorials and walk yourself through the projects slowly and steadily.  You'll learn a lot more that way and actually a lot faster.  When you finish all of the tutorials and Ecyclopedia sized stacks of books worth of instruction manual, you will be ready to do shit on your own.  Say you wanted to make your own porn vid with lara croft...not easy but deffinately doable...especially since there's loads of web sites to download her framesets, skins, ik and movement segs from...
Any of the threedee modellers are good.  It's really a question of how profficient you get with it.

btw...you're not crazy....my acct was american bastard, my visible name was joey, I changed it to match both my home and work accts...sorry for the confusion...

Form Flow is a prog that basically databases prefilled forms.  All you have to do is fill in the cells... Let's say you office uses a form for application for employment...as they all do.

You being the shift manager go to the infamous "Blank Forms File" to discover some incompetant moron has used the last copy and not many any copies...So you go to the even more synonomous "Original Forms File"...no luck, it was probably the same moron used that too.

Form Flow and Jetform end those probs...you just open it and go into the database to pull up a blank form and reproduce it yourself.  

It was originally designed for a paper free office.  But since we're humans and killing trees is something the executive types love to do, it pretty much has become the "Blank Forms File."  Still a usefull tool though especially for all of the Mountains of paperwork we generate in the Armed Forces...u don't wanna be the guy who has to do the shredding, it takes some hours out of your day...Speaking of which I gotta go do some, some files marked "Area 51"  are in the shred box  


quote:however on linux frames i'm not sure
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Yup, Linux boxes.  HP has been advertising the hell out of Shrek being done on Linux and a lot of computer magazines have been touting the "wall" used in LOTR.  Some massive solid wall of 1000+ computers all running Linux and all clustered together to get up the amount of processing power needed for the rendering.  With a project that scale they could have written their own 3D program I guess.  :-D

quote:Form Flow is a prog that basically databases prefilled forms. All you have to do is fill in the cells... Let's say you office uses a form for application for employment...as they all do.
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Um database management stuff *should* be good, there are a lot of database packages and I assume  some management software for them.  Hey you could always splash out on Oracle.  ;-P  Or do you want more of a spreadsheet package like excel?  Open office could do that.  I kind of know what you mean though, my teachers used something like that for grading us.  :-(


It was originally designed for a paper free office. But since we're humans and killing trees is something the executive types love to do, it pretty much has become the "Blank Forms File." Still a usefull tool though especially for all of the Mountains of paperwork we generate in the Armed Forces...u don't wanna be the guy who has to do the shredding, it takes some hours out of your day...Speaking of which I gotta go do some, some files marked "Area 51" are in the shred box
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Make sure you cross shred btw, you can get a lot of info out of single pass shredded documents.  Maybe burn the real sensitive stuff.  Oh and the *REAL* important stuff goes up on that ufo you caught right?  Don't lie to me buddy, I *know.*


I don't recall at this particular time...

Of course a cross shredder...followed up by a burn barrell.

It was a frisby, really!



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