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Really need some info here...Help me out???

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>AMD Athlon K6XP (1.6ghz)

>Radeon 7200 LE
might want to look into it, ati doesnt have a good reputation for linux drivers

>Predator 5.1 Maddog Sound Card
nfi.  if its a creative chipset it will be fine, but I've never heard of that card before.

>1 gig RAM

>40 gb WD someshitoranother hdd

>100 gb cantfugginrememberdistributor hdd

>creative 56x cdrom

>phillips 1200ex cd+rw
should work, especially if its popular

>netsys fasethernet 10/100 card
should work, especially if its popular

>3DStudio max
multimedia right?  try looking into blender, if thats entirely wrong then dual booting may be an idea

>Office Shtuck
open office is great

>altering downloaded porn videos
ah...  no idea

>delrina form flow and jet form have frequented my system
if i knew what that was i would tell you ;)

try looking at the gimp if thats for non paid work

>I'm in the military and use my puter for work and escape. Yes I game and have a console allready, but it's not the same.
wine runs a lot of windows games but is hard to coinfigure at first.  most "linux native" popular games tend to be first person shooters.

Use blender for 3d. And filmgimp has been getting alot of good reviews. Some say it is as good as adobe premiere (which, by the way, isn't that good).

It would be cool if they released whatever was used for lotr and shrek...  :)


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
It would be cool if they released whatever was used for lotr and shrek...  :)
--- End quote ---

I beleive they used Maya. On Linux farms.  

Wish i could get a copy of maya for linux. That would kick some serious ass. But, they probably used something else.

Yeah I know they used a massive amount of Linux boxes for the movies - something like hundreds of terabytes of hard drive space in a massive wall for LOTR.  (Drool  :-D)  You would think that if they ported Maya to Linux that Maya would just get released on Linux - it could make them a lot of money, and if it's already ported by a movie studio theres no cost involved.


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