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Computer Experts take a look...
Hey - I'm in the process of building my own Gaming PC and I was hoping to get some feedback from some Computer gosu's who knew their stuff:
CPU - p4 3.0 GHz w/ 800fsp
Motherboard - Intel i875
Video Card - 5900 Ultra [or Radeon 7900 (exact name?)]
Sound Card - Audigy 2
Monitor - 19" regular
Mouse - Mx500 (current one)
Keyboard - Internet (current one)
Hard Drive - WD Cavier 200 GB serial ata 10000 rpm
Memory - ddr 400 maybe 512
Speakers - Creative MW 650 6.1
CD/DVD - DVD RW+ 4x/2x
*Extras* - 400 watt PSU
I'm not even sure if I got half of these names correct because they're off the top of my head but if you can think of anything better (that isn't ridiculously expensive) please let me know. Any suggestions, add ons, or ideas please post them so I can build a dream gaming PC. Thanks.
Uh, OK. That looks great, but what OS are you going to install on it?
Well, from a glance, everything looks pretty much in order, but I do have a few questions and suggestions...
First, for the processor... I would recommend dropping that to a 2.8Ghz P4 with the 800Mhz FSB. If you're concerned about price, that will save you an easy $120 while barely lowering performance.
Second, there is no Radeon 7900. If you're looking for one of the higher end Radeons, you're probably thinking of the 9700 or it's sucessor, the 9800.
The last question I have is why a DVD+RW? Unless there's a specific reason you want a +RW drive only, I would strongly suggest going for a DVD-RW drive since it's more standardized and compatible or going with a DVD+/-RW/RAM drive for full compatibility with all of the competing standards, so no matter how the dust settles you won't be left with a dead standard.
Thanks Vincent, that's especially what I needed to hear. I was unsure about a few of my selections and that helps clear things up. I think I want to go with the Radeon 9700 or 9800 (depending on price) for my Vid Card and I'll take your suggestion on the processor since it will help me save $. Also, I am not exactly sure why I wanted a DVD+RW, but I guess I went wrong their and I'll stick to the DVD-RW.
Thanks to you too Laukev7: Defender of Canada -- BTW, I was planning on installing Windows XP.
Also, one final note - where should I order this stuff from? I am definetly staying away from Compaq from personal experience, so do you think Dell would be a good idea or what? I'm a bit illeterate on where to purchase the products from for the cheapest prices.
If your gonna install a windowz, might I suggest win2k profesional. It's much nicer than XP, leaner, and faster. It also seems more stable.
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