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Computer Experts take a look...

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Here's my expert advise:

quote:GoStarSu: p4 3.0 GHz w/ 800fsp
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Nope, get an AMD Athlon XP.

quote:GoStarSu: Intel i875
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Nope, get an ASUS motherboard with a nForce chipset.

quote:GoStarSu: 5900 Ultra
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Unless you like crappy drivers, I suggest a GeForce FX.

quote:GoStarSu: Audigy 2
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Finally, your first good choice.

quote:GoStarSu: 19" regular
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You mean CRT right? Well... good choice.

quote:GoStarSu: Mx500
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I guess so...

quote:GoStarSu: Internet
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I like an old non-bloated keyboard from 1996 better, but some people like that RSI-friendly crap. I guess you're one of them    well, keep it.

quote:GoStarSu: WD Cavier 200 GB serial ata 10000 rpm
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I have no idea why you need all that extra GB, but it's a good choice anyways.

quote:GoStarSu: ddr 400 maybe 512
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Maybe you should spend less on GB, and more on RAM  :D

quote:GoStarSu: Creative MW 650 6.1
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Of all the speakers I've seen, those are kick ass. Be careful not to make it your neighboor's nightmare  

quote:GoStarSu: DVD RW+ 4x/2x
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With all that extra GB, you won't need to directly burn from CD to CD, so a DVD-ROM/DVD-RW combination is a very good choice. Pick one that's durable (that means anything but Philips and Lite-on).

quote:GoStarSu: 400 watt PSU
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Be careful with it. If your parents aren't that rich, they'll be very strict on electricity, and when they get the bill, and it's high, you're going spend a helluva less time on your PC  

how about this

quote: 1.6GHz IBM PPC970 on 800MHz bus
1GB DDR333
160GB and 80GB Serial ATA HDs
20GB HD (Firewire)
SuperDrive (DVD-R/CDRW)
CDRW (Firewire)
GeForce FX 5200
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it's better because it'll never run Windows

In reply to Refalm,

LoL, did you see how badly the Pentium 4's whoop up on the fastest Athlon XP(3200+). Also, look at the memory benchies...look at how badly the i865/i875 whoops up on the NForce 2.

You would be nuts to buy an AXP. Besides, Athlons run so freaking hot that you need a ton of loud ass fans(including the fan on the HSF) for it to operate decently. Athlons also run the risk of burning up if something should ever happen to the HSF unit(it is hit or miss when you trust the board auto shutoff). With a P4 you can literally run it with no HSF at...it will underclock itself when it gets so hot if you do that but it will continue to run rock solid. You don't need fans that run over 2300 RPM with a P4. 2300 RPM fans are pretty quiet...especially compared to those 7000+ RPM fans used for Athlon systems. Not everybody wants thier fucking computer to sound like a jet engine. Some people would rather hear thier music, thier games or have peace and quiet for concentration when they are doing thier work.

Intel = Quality products
AMD = Cheaply made generic product

Go with the P4c man, you won't regret it. Not only is it more reliable, but it is faster, runs alot cooler, will never burn up and obviously the chipset you are going to pair it with is the fastest x86 chipset to date. Nothing on the x86 side is more reliable than a Intel CPU on an Intel chipset.

For the vid card. The 5900 Ultra is a GeForce FX. =0P

The FX is a good choice. I would get it over a Radeon due to the fact that I've had bad luck with ATI's shitty drivers for thier Radeons in the past(with a 8500 the first time and a 9700 Pro the second time I tried a Radeon). Different people have different experiences though.

For the DVD burner. DVD-RW isn't really good enough if you ask me. You need a burner that can burn DVD+RW(if it can do other formats that is great). Alot of DVD players don't even like to read DVD-RW discs at all but the DVD players that can read both tend to read DVD+RW alot better(faster) than they do DVD-RW.

For the keyboard comment. I like my Logitech Internet Navigator keyboard mainly because of the Media player buttons and the scroll wheel on it. The media player control is nice because you can change tracks, pause your music, stop your music, mute the music, adjust volume etc. with it while you are playing a game in full screen(in alot of cases I tend to disable the games music in favor of listening to my own CD's and MP3's on a media player). It looks a heck of alot nicer thna a plain-jane keyboard as well. Why somebody would want an ugly keyboard paired up with a nice-new system is beyond me. Sure, the extra buttons(like the media player buttons) don't work in Linux...but that is no big loss. The games I play only run in Windows anyways. The ones that actually do run in Linux I prefer to play in Windows due to the fact that I can get better image quality in Windows(I have full control of what my video card can do).

To Jimmy James,

You recommended a Mac for a dream gaming machine? ROFLMFAO. Is that supposed to be a funny joke?

[ September 11, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Yeah Verily. Of the mumtimedia keyboards I've tried, Logitechs have the best software too, which many people don't think about before buying a keyboard. Those keys aren't worth shit if they don't do what they're supposed to do, and you con't change them to do what you want them to do.

Besides, I've heard of people using the extra buttons in Linux, though I've yet to get it working myself.


quote: To Jimmy James,

You recommended a Mac for a dream gaming machine? ROFLMFAO. Is that supposed to be a funny joke?
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What? And x86 isn't a joke?   :D  

To play games on a peecee means Windoze. I don't go for that. Sure there's transgaming, but I'd rather wait a month or two to get Aspyr's Mac port which gives me full performance rather than fuck around with WineX. Besides, by the time the game is ported, all the bugs are typically worked out. Running a game on Windows means you've got all of the problems of a MS OS to deal with. Running the games in WineX means that you might as well have an NES.

I'll put my G5 against your peecee, and you can experience the negligible difference in performance.

"Oh wow! You got 5 more FPS than me. Whoop dee shit."

And then we can do something real like multimedia editing and the P4 is gonna DIE.

Sorry, if peecees were better at things that mattered, I'd have gotten one, but since they're inferior for multimedia, I'll stick to my real computers.

BTW, nothing personal against you. I've just had a shitty day. If I come over as a dickhead, it's because right now, I am one


No offense meant by nothin


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