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5 FPS difference my ass. The video card in your recommended Mac config(the GeForce FX 5200) couldn't hang with even a 1ghz PIII/Athlon T-Bird with a GeForce FX 5600 Ultra let alone a high end P4/Athlon with a GeForce FX 5900 Ultra or Radeon 9700 Pro/9800 Pro.
The FX 5200 is just a piece of trash(well it is good for low end gaming). I guess you don't really need a high-end card in a Mac though because you can count the hit games released for Mac on 2 hands(maybe just 1). :lol:
I don't know where you get the PC sucks at multimedia stuff. Sure the G5 is fast...but so is a Hyperthreading enabled P4 on an 800mhz FSB. Multimedia stuff support the virtual second CPU(in hyperthreading mode) and the stuff supports SSE2.
Rigt now I can encode a 1 1/2 hour video in MPEG 4 in less than 40 minutes. That is pretty damn good considering that on a high-end Athlon it would take over an hour and a half to encode that same vid. I don't know what kind of an encoding time a MAc would score with that same vid...but I don't see it being much faster than what the P4 can do. It takes less than 30 seconds to encode a 6 minute audio track in MP3, Wav or WMA. I have never tried encoding in Vorbis format so I don't know how that performs. I'm sure it would be pretty quick as well though.
Photoshop uses SSE2. On an 800mhz FSB beast w/SSE2 you can convert a large image, apply a filter to a large image, etc. relativatley quick. I plyed around with a 400MB image and my system was able to apply filters, convert the image to different formats, etc. in like a minute and a half(give or take a few seconds).
I know that I'm not complaining about my systems multimedia capabilites. If the G5 happens to be a few seconds faster...so what? I know I'm not going to pay no $2,500+ for a computer just because it can do multimedia related stuff a few seconds faster than what I can custom build for less than $850. That $850 system has a high end everything(including video card) that would run rings around that $2,500+ system in games and anything else that involes 3D graphics. Lets not forget to mention that that $850 system uses the most commonly used, defacto architecture that all of the game makers release thier stuff for.
With that $2,500+ system you are lucky to get equivalents to the rage of the gaming world titles for that system in a year, 2 years, etc.
Heck, the software for the Mac is so limited that there are only a few Linux distros that are even made for the Mac. That is bad considering that in the x86 world there are hundreds of Linux distros out there and Linux distro suppliers are out for digital world domination.
Do you know why there isn't nearly as much software for a Mac as there is for the PC? Because there is such a small user base. There are less people who use Macs worldwide than people who use Linux in just the United States alone. Linux surpassed apple in user base over a year ago. Yeah....Macs are such great machines...just kidding. They are just overpriced computers.
[ September 12, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
quote: ou can count the hit games released for Mac on 2 hands(maybe just 1). :lol:
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quote: I don't know where you get the PC sucks at multimedia stuff. Sure the G5 is fast...but so is a Hyperthreading enabled P4 on an 800mhz FSB. Multimedia stuff support the virtual second CPU(in hyperthreading mode) and the stuff supports SSE2.
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Hyperthreading is the only truly amazing tech that Intel has. I simply can't argue that point. Luckily, though, IBM plans an upcoming revision of the 970 to use a similar technology, based on Power5's hyperthreading-like capabilities.
I record audio and apply real-time effects using Bias Peak 4, and then use software Reason 2 to create synth and orchestral backing, and finally build a song with Pro Tools TDM. Sure, you can get all those for Windows... but... it's Windows. And that's the core of the argument. You've been around long enough to know that, man!
quote: Photoshop uses SSE2
--- End quote ---
Photoshop uses AltiVec
quote:Heck, the software for the Mac is so limited that there are only a few Linux distros that are even made for the Mac. That is bad considering that in the x86 world there are hundreds of Linux distros out there and Linux distro suppliers are out for digital world domination.
--- End quote ---
Wow, I've always worried about the lack of Linux distros, seeing as my OS is better. As for software, I seem to have no problem finding software that I want and need. I guess it's the difference in getting to choose between two or three high quailty spreadsheets or getting to choose between several hundred shitty ass ones.
I guess the fact that the X-Box has less games than other machines makes it less viable.
Wow. Logic is fun and...
Something true
Viper - check your private messages. Thx.
Granted, those games on that page you linked to are decent games. However, I noticed that most of them are pre-order(meaning they are not even released yet)...but they have been available for the PC for over several months. Take 007 Nightfire for instance. I've had that game for at least 5 months now(if not longer). Splinter Cell has been available on the PC for a minute(thats an expression for a while), Rainbow Six 3......well we already have had the Raven Shield version of it for a while now, there was just an Athena's Sword version of it released at the beginning of this month(Sept. 1st). Are you seeing a pattern here?
Anyways, in the PC world none of those games are considered the hot rage of the gaming world. They are good, yeah...but they are kind of old.
We are looking forward to the upcoming titles like
Half Life 2(there is already a leaked Beta on the net)
Halo for the PC(there is already a leaked Beta on the net)
Max Payne 2(there is already a leaked Beta on the net)
Need For Speed: Underground
Tribes: Vengeance
Lord of Everquest
Etherlords II
Doom 3 would be on there but ID Software has supposedly delayed the game until next year. :(
Right now we are enjoying hot titles like
Midnight Club 2
Auquanox 2: Revelation
Cold Zero: The Last Stand
Savage: The Battle for Newerth
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
The Great Escape
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (It finally made it to PC)
Enter the Matrix
Majestic Chess(it isn't really a hot title for anybody but chess fans)
Anyways...I am really surprised to see so many of the what used to be hot recent titles being ported to the Mac, but it still isn't enough to detour a gamer to the Mac platform because like I already said...those games are actually getting old. I think I would dread to see how something like Nightfire looks on the Mac since the Mac doesn't support DirectX meaning that the game won't be using the Pixel Shaders, Advanced Pixel Shaders, advanced Environmental Bump Mapping, and Vertex shaders.
I do have 1 question though. Does Aspyr Media port the PC games to the Mac or are they just selling them or what? I know that they are not the original makers of the games. Example, 007 Nightfire was originally made by Electronic Arts(EA Games).
Out of all of the ports for the Mac I can't believe that there aren't any Grand Theft Auto 3/GTA Vice City, No One Lives Forever/NOLF 2, Max Payne, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, Aquanox, Midnight Club, etc. ports already available or being made.
In reply to GoStarSu,
I'll check it. Be expecting a reply shortly.
[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
quote:Originally posted by Viper:
Right now we are enjoying hot titles like
Max Payne 2
Midnight Club 2
Auquanox 2: Revelation
Cold Zero: The Last Stand
Savage: The Battle for Newerth
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
The Great Escape
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (It finally made it to PC)
Majestic Chess(it isn't really a hot title for anybody but chess fans)
--- End quote ---
...And for a measely $19.95/month, we will be happy to ship you the CDs to you EVERY MONTH! Just think! The GREATEST titles from Home Depot! Learn how to fix your sink! How to carpet your living room! It's all there!
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