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Computer Experts take a look...
quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
...And for a measely $19.95/month, we will be happy to ship you the CDs to you EVERY MONTH! Just think! The GREATEST titles from Home Depot! Learn how to fix your sink! How to carpet your living room! It's all there!
--- End quote ---
The newest games usually don't make it over for a month or two, sometimes upwards of six or eight, depending on how entwined with DirectX the game is. Unreal Tourney 2K3 has just recently been released, about 8 months late, I believe. Anything built on an already-ported engine gets out pretty quick. Jedi Outcast was only about 3 weeks late, and Elite Force was out the same day I think.
The point isn't that Macs are great game machines... they're not. But we're also not completely lacking either. Remember, though... I never said that the G5 was a good game box ;)
As for the upcoming titles, I have no doubt, they'll get ported if they're successful at all. We'll be seeing Max Payne 2 (about damn time!) and Halo for sure.
As for what Aspyr does, I do believe they do the porting, as well as carry the responsibility for marketing the Mac port. Patches come from them, and they provide all support for it, as well.
You didn't outright say it, but you did indirectly when you recommend a Mac when the first poster said he was building a gaming machine.
but I'm able to do that, eh? I mean, what I do things like that really mean? it depends on your point of view, doesn't it, mate? You see, when things come along that allow the constant of the universe to be altered, I take those things. I love having the lost diamonds of King Jesus of Belarus.
The pizza is round! Super Dave Osbourne is bigger than your pet terrier. Margaret Thatcher is not a food group.
Remember those few things and your life will be made terrible. When Colonel Klink killed Mr. Boddy on the Bridge with the Revolverstick, and nobody was around, did the moatmonster make a noise?
Ah, to be young again.
[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James is COOL ]
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