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If you're going to install only a Windows I suggest you take "phuck Microsoft" out of your sig because you don't have the balls to stick to your principles.


quote:If your gonna install a windowz, might I suggest win2k profesional. It's much nicer than XP, leaner, and faster. It also seems more stable.
--- End quote ---

Win2k is generally more stable, but if you're going to be playing a wide selection of games (both new and older), I would recommend XP simply for the more forgiving Win9x compatibility layer.

Another option would be to run WineX under Linux, but performance would take a pretty heavy hit and as with all forms of emulation, 100% compatibility is far from guarenteed.

Wine is not an emulator, and for open gl it works pretty damn fast.

Master of Reality:
I prefer the AMD processors. And i would suggest (this is if you really need windows.. which you may) install Mandrake Gaming Edition alongside whatever windows those other people suggest (i've almost forgotten the versions of windows).

Thanks for all the replies.  I think I have a good idea of what I want but if anyone still has any ideas or upgrades to what I currently have, just let me know.  Thanks again.


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