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The funny doctored pics thread
Gooseberry Clock:
I recently found a new option in Paint Shop Pro:
Never try to run Barrack on a Mac Plus:
[edit: your pictures are too big .... i may close this thread yet]
Not any more.
[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * ]
Please don't reply to loser
Master of Reality:
i just had to.
Lol um why does everyone hate MR. RRR so much? I have a few theories but I'd like to hear some opinions.
Too bad really, Red Ranger Software is a cool name.
While the Mac joke is LOL, surely MAC must be good because the vast majority of MAC haters are pro-microsoft. Anyone who is informed by this site(and accepts what he hears) knows that MS is BS and anyone who fully believes in their suposed greatness has invalid opinions about whether another OS "sucks". So if the bad opinions come from MS d00dz, then their opinion ceases to exsist(see above) and in the abscene of bad their is only good. Surely almost every anti-MS d00d here agrees with teh Lazy logic?
The other Shania Twain joke picture is humorless. It's so humorless that you can't even accept that some people may even find it funny.
Come on RRR, you can do better then this.
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