Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Read these insane articles from www.worldtechtribune.com

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Of course it's right wing. I can't count the number of times the dickheads writing for this site have used the word 'leftist' as if it's an insult.

Look at this shit:

"Torvalds, the son of socialist Finnish radio commentator Nils Torvalds who often sided with Soviet leadership in world matters during the Cold War, was a computer science student at a university in Helsinki."

Oh, so it was Torvalds' wicked socialist father who taught him the leftist principles of equality and bettering society through freedom of information? The evil bastard.

pssst...  rush limbaugh uses mac 10

pssst...  who gives a fuck, they are still stupid articles

[ September 19, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]


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