All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
HP memo forecasts MS patent attacks on free software
OK so this isgoing to make some of you go nuts...
Crap like this is always a concern from Adolf Gates. Billy, ya can't impose restrictions on a licensing model invented by SOMEBODY ELSE when YOU YOURSELF cannot even land solidly in one playing field. Take a look at these guys' bullshit commercial contracts some time. I'm sorry, but there is NO good reason for XP Pro to cost $5,000 a head for a ten-workstation corporation, and USD 180-something for an OEM version (OH SORRY, I GUESS THAT'S ILLEGAL - ...and if you work for Microsoft and are perusing this board, you really ARE one flagrant jackass).
I, for one, suggest that we ALL start compiling violations of corporate law by Microsoft into one large docket, and NAIL THEM when they (and they will) come after free software in a court of law. I say, BRING IT ON.
Vive assassinats de caract
quote: Microsoft continues to be one of HP's strongest partners. HP is committed to delivering choice for its customers and this is done through a multi-OS strategy of Windows, Linux and HP-UX on industry-standard platforms.
--- End quote ---
glad they were able to throw in a marketing tagline there
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]
quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
glad they were able to throw in a marketing tagline there
--- End quote ---
Hi kids, I'm Danny Seabrite... can you spell "conflict of interest"?
Kids: H...E...W...L...
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate ]
Can't stand to compete with anyone.....
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