Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Just a little something that i thought was interesting:
Intelligent Labelling Explorer
A Project at the University of Edinburgh into Dynamic Hypertext Generation.
ILEX is an EPSRC funded project, which started in October 1995 and
runs for three years. The project is run jointly between the Human Communication Research
Centre and the Department of
Artificial Intelligence.
The focus of the project is automatic text generation. In this
field, systems are built that produce descriptive, explanatory, or
argumentative texts to accomplish various different communicative
tasks. We have built a system that produces descriptions of objects
encountered during a guided tour of a museum gallery. Currently the
tour is of a `virtual' gallery, explored via a hypertext
interface. The hypertext pages produced by the system are different
from conventional hypertext pages in that they are generated
dynamically---in other words, they are tailored to a particular user
in a particular communicative situation. This flexibility has a number
of advantages. For one thing, we can take into account the visitor's level of expertise about the objects. (Is (s)he an
expert? A child? Or just a general browser?) Furthermore, we can take
into account the discourse history---the objects which the
visitor has already seen---so that information the visitor has already
assimilated can be taken into account in the current description. For
instance, the description of the object currently being viewed can
make use of comparisons and contrasts to previously-viewed objects,
while omitting any background information that the visitor has already
been told.
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