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How many of us here have a weight problem?

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Since we are mainly with computers.

  I was a marathon runer. A mile on 6:13 minutes. I was at 6,2 and my weight was going between 185 and 215.
  For two years i exploded to 300 pounds, yet everybody thought i was around 230. but now am almost back to normal, 235.

I maxed out about 220 but am currently probably between 200-210.  I'm only 5'9" but I don't believe I look all that tubby although I am much more so in the last 5 years than I have ever been.  I probably never got over 180 before 5 years ago.  I am fairly muscular but no doubt have some extra flab.  

Been trying to work it off by hard riding on my dirt bike as often as possible. That was working out really well until I watched the X-Games one day and decided to spend the day practicing jump tricks and ended up landing on my head and busting my collar bone and shoulder all to hell.

So now I have about a month under my belt of very little movement/exercise (hence the large amount of posts on this forum). Coupla more weeks and I should be again racing through the woods and burnin' off flab...

We need to hit you on the ribs then with a baseball bat :D

 Am getting back on track again. I blew my kneww from running. And if i finaly decide to go in the US-Military (am between USAF and Army) i need to be in top shape.  
 Its kinda hard if you have let your self let go like i did.

I spent 15 years in the Air Force and toward the end I was getting really close on weight for my height. What sort of field are you interested in?

well to reply to the subject here, i am a lazy assed bugger with a bit of a pot belly, but i don't really have a weight problem. I'm 12 1/4 stone, so what, that's 196 pounds. And at 6' 2 1/2 " i reckon that's an okay weight to be.


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