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How many of us here have a weight problem?
5' 11''
Nope...not fat. It's usually 130, but I've been having a lot of muffins lately :D
I do lift weights, but I don't do benchpressing (usually). I run and walk a lot too...
[ September 26, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
5'9" 200 even i have alot of muscle but a slight gut (too much alcohol as a teenager).
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Yeah, me too :(
(click on my profile and look at my extremely small right-hand (which is also the reason I hate the stupid XBOX gamepad))
--- End quote ---
Yeah me too. My fingers are long but my hands are normal, one reason why i hate the XBOX Gamepad.
i have a weight problem. i'm not fat, I'M TOO SKINNY.
i'm just too busy on my computer to eat most of the time, if something is made, i'll eat it but sometimes i'll just go a good 10 hours without eating. 2 days ago i went about 22 hours without eating. i at supper at 8PM and played computer games till 5AM then went to bed and woke up at 4PM then ate supper at 6PM.
i workout sometimes but i never gain any muscle because my body thinks im dying, i just need to eat more.
"i workout sometimes but i never gain any muscle because my body thinks im dying"
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