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How many of us here have a weight problem?

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I'm 5'4 and weigh 150 ... tho, ive been biking alot,  so I expect to be back at my normal weight of 140 in a few weeks.

Im 225lbs, 5'9". I guess im too fat, 28% body fat. But I got a somewhat big frame(I think, maybe im just average? 43" chest), and a 43" waist, so I hope im better then the standard 225lb 5'9" person fitness wise. I honestly believe that for me, losing weight is only a matter of consistency in hitting the gym. I've gotten down to 210lbs before, and a few years ago I was 280lbs.

Lifting weights is the ONLY thing I like to do. I feel I know alot about what it takes to succeed in the gym(none of this super complex stuff, just stuff that should be "duh" but isn't). That is why I feel that "height/weight" thing is something you need to think carefully about(depends on who you are though). Piling on a whole lot of extra muscle, being an active person who eats too much and doesn't lose his belly, or being an extremly large framed person can all throw this out of whack.

Im 17.80 years old, so I still got a few more years of growing to do. Even if im doomed to 5'9" or 5'10", your susposed to grow larger in terms of width, muscle, and thickness until your early 20's. As long as im large, im happy with 5'9".

As you can tell by my name, im Lazy. I Try to balance it out with some activity.  


quote:Originally posted by void main:
I spent 15 years in the Air Force and toward the end I was getting really close on weight for my height. What sort of field are you interested in?
--- End quote ---

 Thats a Question that bogles my head all the time, for a year now.

  I am very into physical activities. So am thinking someting along the lines of Infantry (Rangers and such). Then again i just started picking up Arabic and the fact that I am already  bilingual and with the 60 something credits in Psych opens other doors, like psych warfare or translator or something.
 Then again am gonna have Computer programming under my belt so there is a possibility i may head  for something to that area.
  About this am very confused on what to do. If i can find something that can combine a little of everything that would be good.

 One thing though is that even if they wont take me as an Officer I wont mind at all going in as a private. Hell am gonna be happy just by being there.

   I am not looking to do what is gonna bring me money, so thats why I am thinking the Armed Services. I always had a fashination about it.

  I will start acting "serious" when am 50 or something.
  My parents are fucking  FREAKING out though.

im a skinny crackhead

bazoukas, go into covert intelligence, you are perfect for it.  everything you said + extremely intelligent + logical = intelligence spec ops <_ (less than or equal to) you

edit:  typos

[ September 26, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]


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