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Gooseberry Clock:
Crazy Browser
Smart Explorer

There's loads more listed here.

I should also point out the existence of AntiAdBlocker.

Master of Reality:
the ads in the sites using antiadblocker are still blocked on my computer!!!


quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
Crazy Browser
Smart Explorer

There's loads more listed here.

I should also point out the existence of AntiAdBlocker.
--- End quote ---

gooseberry, i know that finding relevancy in one of your posts is about as futile as trying to tie your shoelaces using only your penis, but please tell me how this is relevant? are you saying you visited my forum using all of these browsers and they all work fine?

in short, what are you on, motherfunker?

Gooseberry Clock:
Every one of those IE-based browsers block popups, although there won't be much point if the majority of sites start using AntiAdBlocker.

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * / Blob ]

Master of Reality:
its too bad tat antiadblocker doesnt fucking work with Mozilla.


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