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Wine for windows, what about mac osx


If we have wine for windows could we ever see apple cider for Mac OSX?

I know its a whole new ball game because of the different processors, but hey I thought I'd ask

This might be possible if Bochs and Wine developpers associate, but emulation would be VERY slow, because both are written in C for portability. Bochs is the slowest x86 emulator available, and Wine is still very inaccurate. We would have two layers of slow and inaccurate x86 instructions and windows API emulation. Not pretty.

To get decent speed, another group would have to write both emulation layers from scratch in PPC assembler, and this could take a very long time.

Not that we would want this, though. This would discourage developpers from writing programs natively, and would possibly forfeit the future of the Mac platform.

[ June 18, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

Ahhhh.... Why do we need wine??? That is soooo stupid that we need wiiiiiiiine!!!!

Perhaps a nice fruity Merlot, only with red meat though. If you were think about having a fish supper I would suggest a niceley chilled Burgundy.  ;)


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