Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Dumbest ad EVER!
Well XP, you sound like your starting to get smarter/cooler. I will say that you should not use hotmail(if you don't use it then nm). Hey I ain't gonna give you a speech, just try out something like Yahoomail, and use your spam guards. See whether it works better for you.
Gooseberry Clock:
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
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quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
hmmmm... mine says "Ad Zapped"
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Actually mine didn't say "Ad Zapped" *or* "Ad Removed" but it said "Ad Removed by XXXX" (my real name) because I used personalized replacement images in my ad zapper.
Maybe XP's just toying with us, tryin to get his rateings up ;)
quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
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I bet that anti-adblocker won't anti-adblock a modified HOSTS file and I bet it won't anti-adblock firewalls with built in ad blocking options(like my new firewall..it blocks ads and pop-up windows). ;)
People wouldn't block ads and popups if there weren't so damn many of them. Sadly enough, alot of those ad banners you see implant a spyware cookie in your system(so it can gather info about your likes to send to the ad companies so they can popup ads that will interest you). That is invasion of privacy...screw that anti-ad blocker.
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