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Dumbest ad EVER!

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quote:Gooseberry Clock:

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when will you learn that one word replies which are some irrelevant link will only make people irritated? nevermind.

(like my new firewall..it blocks ads and pop-up windows)
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yeah, i hate it when windows pops up like that, never mind, now that more people are using linux than ever before, windows is popping up less and less!  :D

quote:Sadly enough, alot of those ad banners you see implant a spyware cookie in your system(so it can gather info about your likes to send to the ad companies so they can popup ads that will interest you). That is invasion of privacy...screw that anti-ad blocker.

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sadly enough windows hides some of these files from you and protects others. Of course you have complete control over all your files if you own a *nix system, but that's another matter.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
sadly enough windows hides some of these files from you and protects others. Of course you have complete control over all your files if you own a *nix system, but that's another matter.
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If a person wanted to they can block most cookies or they can block all cookies with the greatest of ease. Oh yeah, the Cookies folder is not hidden, get your facts straight buddy. ;P

I can block cookies from certain sites(the sites I choose) using my firewall..so the spyware cookies are not an issue for me. I don't rely on a browser to do the ad blocking, cookie blocking or site blocking, I do it all from my firewall so the config will work with every browser I use...not just one browser.    ;)  

quote:Originally posted by Calum:
yeah, i hate it when windows pops up like that, never mind, now that more people are using linux than ever before, windows is popping up less and less!
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Shit, the total Linux user base(users of all distros combined) doesn't even make a pimple on the Windows user base's ass.

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Gooseberry Clock:
Have any of you actually tried AntiAdBlocker? 'cos you should. Then post on his forums and tell him what you think.

Master of Reality:
you are a fucking retard. antiadbliocker doenst work at all. The ads are still fucking blocked when i go to the sites using antiadblocker. and why the fuck would people talking about blocking ads want to make it so they cant block ads!!! That has got to be one of the most retarded things i have ever heard. go to hell, go to hell and die.

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
 Oh yeah, the Cookies folder is not hidden, get your facts straight buddy. ;P
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i didn't say the folder was hidden, 'buddy'...

quote:Shit, the total Linux user base(users of all distros combined) doesn't even make a pimple on the Windows user base's ass.

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And you get your figures from... where? linux does not have a market share because it is not marketted. If 90% of the world used linux and BSD, then windows would still have 90% of the market share and apple macintosh would have most of what was left, because free software can multiply as fast as bacteria and never go accounted for on any forms or lists.


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