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Dumbest ad EVER!

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Just go to the public library or something and post it from there   ;)


quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
OK, let me break it down for you:

1. Go to http://www.vg-network.com/
2. Click on a download (emudl.phtml)
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"
4. If you see the file's details, then "congratulations, you're not blocking ads". If "We've determined you're using popup blocking software", then what is your course of action?
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Gods, you're stupid.  All I had to do to bypass the stinking "AntiAdBlocker

Master of Reality:
nice one XP Luser.

quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
OK, let me break it down for you:

1. Go to http://www.vg-network.com/
2. Click on a download (emudl.phtml)
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"
4. If you see the file's details, then "congratulations, you're not blocking ads". If "We've determined you're using popup blocking software", then what is your course of action?
--- End quote ---

i got in fine... and two ads on the site are blocked (so is the counter).

need proof? according to the site:
quote:Visual Boy Advance Goes Open Source
Visual Boy Advance, currently one of the best Gameboy/Gameboy Advance emulators for Windows, Linux, and BeOS has gone open source under GNU; and been submitted to SourceForge.
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[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
nice one XP Luser.


[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
--- End quote ---

Go to  http://www.vg-network.com/emudl.phtml for tha stupid ad-blocker test. I can get into the main page(the news section) of the site just fine with ad-blocking. BTW, I trie that ad blocker test with my firewalls ad blockig disabled but with a modified HOSTS file(I have alot of ad sites blocked in the HOSTS file) and it works just fine.  ;)

ok. tell me, that when you have a proxy or browser (opera) that can block ads, what do you need an anti-ad program for?
Isn't that just for browsers like IE 5, which can't block ads by them stupid selves? (I dunno shite about something beyound IE 5, so I'm not sure.)


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