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Dumbest ad EVER!
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Go to http://www.vg-network.com/emudl.phtml for tha stupid ad-blocker test. I can get into the main page(the news section) of the site just fine with ad-blocking. BTW, I trie that ad blocker test with my firewalls ad blockig disabled but with a modified HOSTS file(I have alot of ad sites blocked in the HOSTS file) and it works just fine. ;)
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read my whole message... i did go there.
If you thought the first ad was dumb, check this one out!
HAHAHHAAHAHHAHAH!!! I don't even know where to begin. In particular I found what the checkboxes say very funny. The stupid flashing folders at the bottom are also hysterical.
I notice the image is from "fastclick.net" I think I'm going to add those idiots to my HOSTS file.
[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]
I think I will start making some things like that for my msproblem.tk site, which is currently down. Mainly because of the fact the servers power supply is toast, its been replaced, but the server cant connect for some reason.
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
If you thought the first ad was dumb, check this one out!
HAHAHHAAHAHHAHAH!!! I don't even know where to begin. In particular I found what the checkboxes say very funny. The stupid flashing folders at the bottom are also hysterical.
I notice the image is from "fastclick.net" I think I'm going to add those idiots to my HOSTS file.
[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]
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The funniest one is "Windows might crash" one.
quote:Originally posted by Chooco:
yeah i've had that...... i was about to post in a forum how stupid it was then i wasn't really sure if everybody broadcasted an IP (like when all ports are stealthed by firewall)
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When you make a request for a web page or an image, the request contains your IP number. This is necessary so the server knows to whom it should send the data.
You do "broadcast" the IP number in the sense that your data packets (containing the requests) are broadcast over the network.
I think people who use proxy servers actually send the IP address of the proxy server to the web/image server, but I could be wrong since I've never used one.
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