Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Dumbest ad EVER!

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quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
Well XP, you sound like your starting to get smarter/cooler. I will say that you should not use hotmail(if you don't use it then nm). Hey I ain't gonna give you a speech, just try out something like Yahoomail, and use your spam guards. See whether it works better for you.
--- End quote ---


[edit: i fixed your fucking link. You must go to www.bobhub.tk or http://cultofbob.zzn.com to get to the bob email]

[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

. . .Or, if you're desperate, a complimentary pop3 email account ([email protected]). No ads or anything. And two web front ends if you're not home.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
. . .Or, if you're desperate, a complimentary pop3 email account ([email protected]). No ads or anything. And two web front ends if you're not home.
--- End quote ---

can i have one... but first i will need your server specs, like how fast procesor, what version of OpenSSL, what apache version, whether it runs telnet, what sendmail version, and whether you are running an intrusion detection or portsniffer tool.

i just went to polytheismforums.cjb.net and got a popup (gods i am embarrased by the cjb.net popups on my site), and it said:  
quote:Special Offer!  Download HistoryKill now for a FREE 15-day trial and receive PopUp Killer absolutely FREE!  

Stop these annoying PopUp ads from popping  up while you surf the web for FREE!

This is a $29.95 value absolutely FREE!  
   Limited time offer...

    Download HistoryKill with
FREE Popup Killer

--- End quote ---
how pointless is that?

interesting. simply by visiting the anti-adblocker site... a site I've never seen in my entire life... I was banned!

whoo hoo! what did I do to achieve this great honor?


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