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Dumbest ad EVER!
Calum, check your PM.
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by void main:
That's funny, all I see on my Linux box is "Ad Removed".
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hmmmm... mine says "Ad Zapped"
Mine is blank for 99% of ads
Wait...XP user said he was in Linux?
He's making fun of Windows?
What's goin on?
[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Mine is blank for 99% of ads
Wait...XP user said he was in Linux?
He's making fun of Windows?
What's goin on?
[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
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He is actually making fun of the dumb Windows users who would actually fall for such a stupid ad more than he is making fun of the Windows OS. I'm actually glad he posted it because it reminds me that I need to modify my hosts file on this macine to block doubleclick, fastclick and several other ad-sites.
[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote: Posted by Zombie:
I'm actually glad he posted it because it reminds me that I need to modify my hosts file on this macine to block doubleclick, fastclick and several other ad-sites.
--- End quote ---
I actually got in an argument with some dipshit over ad-blocking. He told me that blocking ads is stealing bandwith from the site and that I was a filthy scumbag for using ad-blocking software (when actually all I really do is right click the really annoying ads in Mozilla and hit "block image." That and I don't let javascript open unrequested windows.) Sorry, but I refuse to be exploited in some idiot's dubious ad-scheme at my own inconvienience and annoyance, and if that generates "revenue loss" then good, maybe it will send people a message that ads (especially popup ads) are nothing more than unwanted spam and should be relegated to the historical trash heap. Sorry, but I have every right to block that shit from entering my computer and wasting my bandwith. The internet survived before that garbage and it will survive after it.
(edit) The sick thing is that afterwards the retarded creep added me to hundreds of his spam e-mail lists out of spite and I got over 50 spam emails in one day where previously I got none. (he runs a filthy email spam ring also and his own dumb "newsletter" called "millionaire's toybox" was part of the spam I got, and it was the biggest piece of shit ever. He claimed if you gave him 50,000 dollars you'd get back enough profit to put a jacuzzi in every room in your house. Yeah, that's really believable. What a dope)
[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]
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