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web page advice
Hi All,
I've added a Linux section to my web page. Originally it was a DOS web page and I just started adding some "linux notes" to it, more or
less to have a place that I could refer to as I was learning Linux. I've tried to put information
on the basic Linux commands, and things that were confusing to me as I was first getting my feet wet in Linux, like handling .tar and .rpm files, mounting drives and things like that. I also used it as a place to store links to Linux pages.
I've been fixing it up a bit, and though it's "not ready for prime time" yet, I was wondering if some of you folks could look it over, check for inaccuracies, and make some suggestions on other topics to include.
The Linux pages start at:
There are plenty of penguin .gif files, a couple of links to this site, my "Windows Rant page, and even a link to the LinuxChicks. But what I'm really interested in is any errors in the commands or their usage and suggestions of topics to add.
TIA for your help.
Looks like the biggest difference between Linux users and Windows users is that Windows users make web pages that look good :)
If I had more time tonight I'd be happy to do some artwork for you but I've got a full schedule untill this weekend.
Sorry, I don't mean to be an ass and I would seriously be happy to make you something that looked better with your content.
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by doublefresh:
Looks like the biggest difference between Linux users and Windows users is that Windows users make web pages that look good :)
If I had more time tonight I'd be happy to do some artwork for you but I've got a full schedule untill this weekend.
Sorry, I don't mean to be an ass and I would seriously be happy to make you something that looked better with your content.
--- End quote ---
check out the bob hub: www.bobs.tk
I made it using vim in linux... not many graphics because i suck at makin pics.
[ November 20, 2002: Message edited by: bob ]
Thanks for the offer, doublefresh, but I want to keep the page relatively simple for a couple of reasons. I do use lynx a lot of the time for web browsing and I want the page to be fully compatible with lynx. The tables are a bit messy in lynx, but still readable. The rest of the pages (other thn the .gifs) are perfectly clear. Also, I just write plain HTML with an ascii text editor. I did these Linux pages using vi. I did the DOS side with DOS edit.
Also, I'm more concerned with content than with flash. After all, I'm not selling anything here :)
But thanks for the offer anyway.
quote:Originally posted by doublefresh:
Looks like the biggest difference between Linux users and Windows users is that Windows users make web pages that look good :)
--- End quote ---
And who are you to judge what is good looking and not? Can you define good looking for me please? I'm really curious.
Perharps, you should try creating a webpage in vi or vim. Smartarse! :D
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