Miscellaneous > The Lounge

This page is too stupid

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black crow:
this one isn't as good as the ones listed here, but i thought i'd post it anyway

Bill Gate$ Error


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

How ironic, the page doesn't load.
--- End quote ---

Now, are you sure it isn't loading, or did you not read the message?

If you didn't pay attention to the message, read it.


quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:

Now, are you sure it isn't loading, or did you not read the message?

If you didn't pay attention to the message, read it.
--- End quote ---

Ya know... that must mean he uses IE.. Kill Him!


quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:

Now, are you sure it isn't loading, or did you not read the message?

If you didn't pay attention to the message, read it.
--- End quote ---

No, it didn't load at all. I just got a popup that said 'Could not establish contact with www.foo.com'. I can see it now, though.


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