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Computer Fire

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Master of Reality:
get soem ABS tubing and pipe cold air from outside directly into your computer. If i had a windows in my room then i would do it.

Well it seemed right to use this thread. Now my computer is dead. It decided to stop seeing the CDROM drives (the DVD collapsed in Linux and Windows would not see either of them). I only found out when I tried to burn an image under Windows (of Peanut Linux).

It burnt an image to the hardrive only. So I removed the CDROM devies from the IDE connection, and what do you know no matter what I do now the Bios sees my Graphics card, registers my memory and then just sits there. I think that what ever controls the IDE connection has failed (whatever I am certain it's motherboard related).

Still this thing worked and was stable (and it lasted me two years longer than I thought it would, when it first broke down seriously (it's a replacement mobo, at least two of the ISA slots don't work anymore, the third one is flaky I suspect, one of the PCI slots has failed, I had to solder on a keybard connection when I first got it, the mouse connection does not bear thinking about, the USB's come out to D-type connectors, one of the COM ports is 25-way D-Type, the option for the 450MHz processor is flaky, and the whole thing sits horizontally halfway in the case), and that is not to mention the Scanner being powered by a professional benchtop power supply (because I refuse to pay 50 bucks for 12v 1.5 amp regulator, the irony being that the power supply costs about $1000 USD (new)), the printer ink dried up and the regulator on that one was starting to spike about (and I think it was starting some internal arcing inside the coils). Oh and the speakers have decided recently to start picking up so much cosmic noise that I can barely hear the music playing underneath. And before I forget the monitor gets this dark orange/brown tinge every so often - with increasing regularity, and I think it's about to go south. Bandaid ain't in it.

Just getting it out of my system. Yeah it's about that time - I need a strong cup of tea right now, and a new computer.  :rolleyes:     :(


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