Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Computer Fire
Master of Reality:
there didnt happen to be any gasoline in the box too. did there???
Ha ha ha.
I know, I know, but it had only been on 3 hours. It was just one of those things.
The box had quite good insulative properties, due primarily to the fact it's partially plastic. (i mean it suffered not in the mini fire (in fact the only real suffering was the loss of the processor, and the cleaning effect of all that dust burnt off).
In a fire like that I would be more concerned about the fumes from burning ICs. Trust me that stuff is lethal. I have seen many ICs turn to candles, and I always vent the area well before I even go near the thing for clean up.
Well it's working again.
Checked the board found a few joints dry and basically cleaned the board and started up. Now I don't trust this board or processor anymore, but it means I have time to save for a new laptop.
And I get DSL back this week. Woohoo.
I recently bought a laptop to save space, no point in having 2 pc's chugging away in my bedroom, besides i wanted the portability to take a pc to college.
I got a P3 1ghz and for some reason it can loads Unreal Tourny faster than my AMD 1600!! Anyway point is, when it comes to cooling they are designed right away with cooling in mind because of the limited space and the size of the thing.
My laptop has a desktop processor inside thankfully, i'm slowly thinking i can upgrade it to a P3 1.2 or 1.4, the only problem i can see is the fan might not like the new processor. If i buy a new one its gotta fit inside the shell of the laptop, if i cannot i'm fuxed!
use a whole lot of fans like me
and air duster it every so often
i have a big ass room fan as the side of my tower
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