Miscellaneous > The Lounge

calum's code

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calum what is the code that you use to stop IE people from viewing your site. i am planning on making a web site and it is going to be viewed by a large group of people and i would like them to have to use something other then IE. so if you could show me the code or show me where to go to learn how to do it i would be helpful

Master of Reality:

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those line breaks arent supposed to be there, but it fucked up the forum when it was 1 really long line.
this is encrypted code i made. It redirects IE to a file called ie.html and redirect the rest to now.html.

if i can find a decryptor i will show you the actual code

[ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

[edit - sorry! i defaced it even more, it was still fucking up the layout!]

[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Master of Reality:

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here it is... I was wrong... the above encrypted redirect IE to fuckmicrosoft.com

Redirect them too the approperiate Mozilla Download, have it detect OS as well, im going to do that when i have the time  

I think that should work =\

I'm actually using IE right now. Don't ask.
remove the space betweeb < and ?php -- this damn forum doesn't allow that tag.

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