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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists
Star Trek Nemesis opens this weekend in the US (not sure about elsewhere) and in Star Trek: the Magazine, Patrick Stewart has urged everyone to go see the movie its opening weekend to show the world how much people love Star Trek. This is our big chance to end the stupid stereotypes about Star Trek and about the people who enjoy it. Spread the message, everyone!
(Paramount really ought to pay me for this)
[ December 11, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Trekker / BoB ]
I will be at ArcLight in Hollywood for the public opening of this movie, Friday. I had a chance to go down there for the premier, but I had to go to night class. I heard it was quite wild down there....everyone was all dressed up like Klingons, Romulans, Borg...good times!
OK... I'm gonna see it on Friday, but not because someone told me to - Nemesis is going to be the LAST 24th century material produced. Period. Rick Berman ruined the franchise. I'd like to see Berman fired and someone else brought in who KNOWS how to direct the storyline for a franchise as big as this... c'mon, who the hell approved Admiral Janeway? she's a friggin WAR CRIMINAL!!! Don't get me wrong, Trek's mostly all good stuff, hell, my username is taken from a Voyager episode, but I honestly believe this movie is going to suck and there wont be any more... and im sorry to see it go.
Okay, Voyager had its flaws, but think about this: the second or third season of TNG is when Berman took over after Roddenberry's death. That's when TNG started to actually get good. He changed Star Trek completely from the original series and first few seasons of TNG. Maybe some people like the old Star Trek style better (terrible acting, lousy graphics), but I grew up with the new ST and that's personally what I love. If Roddenberry had lived another ten years Star Trek would be completely different and I may not even be a fan right now.
I've heard that most people who've seen the movie so far really liked it and I've heard it compared with First Contact. Even though Insurrection was a total piece of shit I think this could be a really good movie. I could be wrong of course...
You say Janeway's a war criminal? How do you figure?
quote: Even though Insurrection was a total piece of shit I think this could be a really good movie.
--- End quote ---
It is going to be pretty hard to make a more horrible movie than Insurrection. That movie sucked the shit out of a dead man's rotting asshole.
Voyager did have its moments. You can't tell me that those two episodes when Species 8472 came into the scope that those weren't two of the best Star Trek episodes ever made. In fact, those two episodes were the reason I started watching Voyager. Sure, there were some deep voids between episodes, but some were entertaining.
Take a look at DS9. With the exception of like three episodes during the first four seasons, that show was a cure for insomnia. The acting was dull, the plots were boring...it sucked. Once season five came around and the war between the Federation and the Dominion started shaping up, that is when it got real good.
I don't know how far you can really take the TNG storyline. Roddenberry had plenty of time between Star Trek I and Khan...where was the consistency to that? II, III, and IV ran together, but what about V, and VI (V sucked as well.....if you think Berman is a fuck up, just pray that they don't let Shatner direct another movie LOL.)
To be quite honest, I hope this is the last TNG film. There really isn't much else you can do with the storyline. The Borg are finished, TNG and 8472 don't mix..what else would they possibly come up with? If this film is half as good as First Contact, they should just quit while they are ahead.
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