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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists
In Sweden Star Trek is mostly ignored by the "high and mighty". There are of course lots of fans here but to date only one movie has had a premiere here, "Star Trek - the motion picture".
quote:Originally posted by The Rev. Annorax:
OK... I'm gonna see it on Friday, but not because someone told me to - Nemesis is going to be the LAST 24th century material produced. Period. Rick Berman ruined the franchise. I'd like to see Berman fired and someone else brought in who KNOWS how to direct the storyline for a franchise as big as this... c'mon, who the hell approved Admiral Janeway? she's a friggin WAR CRIMINAL!!! Don't get me wrong, Trek's mostly all good stuff, hell, my username is taken from a Voyager episode, but I honestly believe this movie is going to suck and there wont be any more... and im sorry to see it go.
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Voyager was one of the better Star Treks IMHO. Too bad it's gone...
Nobody mentioned the small detail that Janeway did wipe out the Borg you know...
[ December 11, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
I DID mention it, dipsmack.
quote:Originally posted by The Rev. Annorax:
5: Temporal prime directive violation, Stardate 54985 (Endgame)... According to Starfleet regulations, Janeway should simply have locked her future self in the brig, destroyed her shuttle, and went on along her merry way. The fact that NOT doing so enabled her to destroy a Borg transwarp network hub was probably the ONLY reason she wasnt cashiered out of Starfleet upon return...
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quote:Originally posted by The Rev. Annorax:
I DID mention it, dipsmack.
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Well excuse me for not reading every bit of your poorly spaced description.
LOL...Just Kidding ;)
sorry, guys. Voyager was cheese, and Enterprise is warmed-over cheese.
Deep Space Nine was badass because they had the best actors of any of the new series, they had the best scripts, the best everything. Oh... and they had a coherent story. DS9 blew everything else away. TOS is a close second, and TNG is right after that.
Enterprise and Voyager both had similar things going for them... great actors, great FX, great story concepts. But the writing in each is SO DAMNED BAD that it hurts. Ent has had a few really badass shows, like "The Andorian Incident". It was just TOS with different actors. They need more of that, and less of the soap opera and time travel bullshit. Just stick to "action packed fistfights and shootouts" guys. Archer is too dorky to be the heroic type. Let Reed bomb stuff, Trip hotwire it, and Mayweather fly it. They just need to turn Enterprise into TOS. Have more humorous banter, and less of the deep shit.
Get Rick Berman and Brannon Braga out of there and they'll have something going for 'em.
I've always thought that George Lucas should buy Trek. It might change, but I think it'd rule!
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