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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists
I see your point, but to a lot of people action isn't just what star trek is about. Back before it had good graphics it was the story concepts that made it good. In my opinion they kept the good stories and added the graphics, which is why I like it. Star Trek is like a really buff guy (the graphics) who is also a genius (the thoughtful story lines).
Voyager is my least-favorite of all of them. The only seasons that are worth watching are the fourth and fifth. After that they ran out of ideas and made all the episodes about the Doc and 7of9.
TOS shouldn't be compared with the rest. Quite enjoyable if you have the right mindset.
DS9: an excellent series, but only if you've seen every episode. Its story-arc made it very good, but not a very good stand-alone series.
And finally Enterprise. I've been impressed with it so far. No Trek was that good its first season. However, it doesn't really evoke the same feeling as the other new series. I don't find that I really care about the characters as much. Maybe it will grow on me.
But TNG is by far my favorite. I watched the first episode when i was a toddler (ok, I sort of gave away my age there...) and watched the thing all the way to the end. Back then in the early 90's the graphics were believable, but they couldn't be depended on, which is why the stories were so good as well. Definitely a well-balanced series. That's probably why I'm so excited about Nemesis.
Well, enough of my ranting.
[ December 12, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Trekker / BoB ]
re lucas in trek, it would suck if that hoary old self important money spender got his hands on it.
george lucas is one of THE WORST directors/writers in the history of film. the only good thing he has done (since star wars episodes 4-6) is ILM.. these new star wars movies are more than crap. look at the fucking tired ass love scene in episode 2, i mean, he used every single "love scene" cliche in the book. the dialog was broing and rusty, the acting sucked more ass than that ass sucker george lucas. the only thing those movies had was special effects, and that doesnt take me very far (even though i am currently studying animation and effects). his directing & writing style consists of old, beat up, used dialog and scenes that were cheesy when the original driector used them. fuck george lucas, unless of course, i can get a job at Industrial Light & Magic... :D (just joking)
as for star trek, i used to be a huge fan, but the newer series suck. ill go watch the movie tomorrow, and i will probably like it, i just hope that it is the last. i do not want to see a movie about ds9 or voyager. that would be pure crap.. these new shows lack an innocence that the old series had, even tng had it.
anyways. i hate george lucas. cheese....
Lucas already did the Star Trek like thing ... Battlestar Galactica... which lets be honest here left Star Trek looking stale - not that I can think of one episode that offered me anything original in either series. And I really beg to differ here but nothing could make Star Trek suck more than it does now. Except bringing Shatner back again.
TOS was okay except for Shatner. But it was backwards by the literary standards already achieved in SF at that time. The more stuff you read and the further back you go the more you realise that Trek lacks all those attributes you accredited it with, like originality, and good ideas and forsight and high dreams - take it from an Ex. fan Star Trek should have died with Roddenbury, it's become Disneyfied calptrap without a pair of balls to call it's own.
After giving up on Shatners' atrocious acting in the early films I decided to give First Contact a shot and that was that. If that is Star Treks idea of good then I really don't think I can take bad. No I can't see any reason to go and see Nemesis, it will be raved about by fans and they will all go home and amongst themselves they will slag it off, the way every Trek fan I know has done after every film they have made.
One original thing?? How about Far Beyond The Stars (DS9)? When was the last time a sci-fi show actually addressed racism and equality in a relevant manner? I dont see anyone using Battlestar Galactica in anything resembling a commentary on reality, either current or past... but I gave copies of Far Beyond the Stars to my US History professor, told him to just watch it and don't read anything into it because it's Star Trek... and now he uses it in class...
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