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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists
Lucas did not do Battlestar Galactica! Don't insult him! That was Glan A. Larson, a real dumbass who tried to capitalize off of Star Wars' success. Throughout most of BSG's run, Larson and Lucas spent a lot of time in court.
quote: george lucas is one of THE WORST directors/writers in the history of film. the only good thing he has done (since star wars episodes 4-6) is ILM.
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And don't forget that George started Pixar too, which he sold to Steve Jobs, and that's why they have those cool new bouncing iMac commercials.
[ December 13, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Trekker / BoB ]
quote:Originally posted by Macman: Mac Trekker / BoB:
Lucas did not do Battlestar Galactica! Don't insult him!
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Lucas is a poopy head! Lucas is a poopy head! :D
Star Trek Nemesis has now been open for 3 hours and 12 minutes. Whats taking you guys so long?!
quote: How about Far Beyond The Stars (DS9)? When was the last time a sci-fi show actually addressed racism and equality in a relevant manner
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Actually, Star Trek TOS was the first sci-fi show -- actually primetime television show, regardless of genre -- that addressed the racism issue in the United States. That episode with the half-black half-white guys made a subtle referrence to the racial situation of the 1960s. We actually studied that episode in Sociology at UNLV, and had to write a report on it.
Star Trek TOS was also the first primetime television show to feature a racially integrated cast. Nichelle Nichols was the first black woman to ever star in a primetime show, and Nimoy and Shatner were the first two Jewish Americans to ever be given a leading star role. It was also the first to feature a Japanese American (George Takei) in a staring role on a primetime television series. It was because of these reasons that many names were attracted to the series, and felt the urge to keep it alive. Guys like Levar Burton (Roots), and Avery Brooks (American History X) are two of the more spoken actors on this subject...especially around these parts (Hollywood.) Personally, I think what Brooks did on some of the better episodes of DS9 was remarkable (once the producers and directors let him improvise.)
And about the "that'll end the stereotypes about Star Trek fans" comment. Dude...this is just Hollywood! People do that kind of shit here regardless of what movie is playing. I've seen about 150 Spidermen when that movie was released, and when Star Wars came out, walking into Goldfingers bar after the show was literally just like walking into that bar at Mos Eisley Spaceport. I think that stuff is what adds to the fun of these movies, and says something about just how powerful they are. You didn't go to those places and hear a bunch of women talking with southern accents after Steel Magnolias...and that is because movies like that are all a dime a dozen, and they all suck.
Who's seen the movie? What did you think about it?
I just saw it last night and really thought it was good. The beginning was a little slow, but it definitely picked up. It had a lot of the same feel as First Contact. The ending was great. I won't give it away though.
I haven't heard the numbers yet, but I was a little disappointed to see that there weren't too many people in the theater. Who knows, though, maybe everyone went to the early show.
quote:Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
And about the "that'll end the stereotypes about Star Trek fans" comment. Dude...this is just Hollywood! People do that kind of shit here regardless of what movie is playing. I've seen about 150 Spidermen when that movie was released, and when Star Wars came out, walking into Goldfingers bar after the show was literally just like walking into that bar at Mos Eisley Spaceport. I think that stuff is what adds to the fun of these movies, and says something about just how powerful they are. You didn't go to those places and hear a bunch of women talking with southern accents after Steel Magnolias...and that is because movies like that are all a dime a dozen, and they all suck.
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I'm just tired of mentioning to someone that I was watching Star Trek and having them say something stupid like, "Haha! Did Scotty get beamed up?" I consider Star Trek to be high-quality with its great graphics and intelligent writing (not all of it though) and if the first weekend's profits catch people's attention I don't think I would get so much crap about being a fan. I get enough of that just being a Mac user. That's all.
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