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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists

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Highly doubt Klingons... but i wore my uniform to the first showing here... and froze my balls off! The movie was worth it, as were the kids that wanted to have me sign pictures (do they think just because i have a uniform im in the fucking movie or something?) Unfortunately, it looks like the stereotypes are going to die the same time the franchise does...  :(

i kinda liked babylon 5 more myself, untill the very very very very very end of it/*crusade, tnn got greedy and brain drained poor jms*/ the plot was always consistant, everyepisode had continuty, unlike the star trek "hey, lets shit a story out and make an episode from it" B5 was well planed and written. im actally going to buy the expensive dvd set.

Yeah, B5 was a great show. Too bad fucking TNT wanted to make Crusade into a porn, otherwise JMS wouldn't have had to end it himself like that. A few years ago I was involved in a movement to start Crusade up again about two years after it was canceled. The entire cast was willing to come back, JMS had new story ideas, even Foundation Imaging was eager to start again, we just had to convince the Sci-Fi Channel to pick it up. It would have happened too, but remember that crappy piece of shit Legend of the Rangers? If it had done well there was no doubt that Sci-Fi would have taken Crusade under its wing, but Legend of the Rangers was a complete piece of shit that was over-advertised and really had nothing to do with any legends of any rangers at all! Suffice it to say, as soon as Legend of the Rangers premiered (and it has never been shown again since for some reason!) the entire Crusade Campaign was forgotten and left to rot, thanks to a mixture os TNT's dumbassiness and Sci-Fi Pictures' cheapness and stupidity! Now Crusade really is dead!!!  :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:  

Jeez, I sort of got started on a rant there...

B5 was cool....although i didn't start watching it till a few years after it was done....(it was made in 95, right?)

hmm.....i like legend of the rangers better then crusade...crusade seemed kinda.....boring.

i just want to know if sci-fi is going to make more legend of the rangers soon.....

Nemesis is lucky if it's as good as Star Trek 3.

I, for one am glad it's over. Rick Berman ruined Trek. Brannon Braga took his debacles and wrote shitty scripts for them. Berman got the best actors, the best FX guys, and the best cinematographers to make the worst Sci-Fi of the last 50 years, aside from maybe Plan 9 from Outer Space.

I think Forbidden Planet was better than Voyager. Yes. One of the worst movies in history was better than a 7 year series with a few actual good eps. Even those few good points couldn't save it. Enterprise might do better since Braga is retiring (call it a mercy killing!) and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry is calling for Berman to leave.

May the Great Bird of the Galaxy have mercy on their souls for ruining his vision. I hope Berman and Braga choke on each others'... oops. Not nice.


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