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A message to Trekkies, Trekkers, and Trekists
quote:Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
I heard it was quite wild down there....everyone was all dressed up like Klingons, Romulans, Borg...good times!
--- End quote ---
That'll help end those bastard sterotypes.
janeway violated the temporal prime directive. Archer is gonna show up from the past and shoot her with a pistol.
Ok... for the sake of argument, lets catalog Janeway's offenses:
1: Handing out Federation tech to the Hirogen (holodeck technology) - Prime directive? what prime directive?
2: Assisting the Borg in defeating an enemy (8472) that was capable of destroying the Borg - and Starfleet's general orders mean what again?
3: Not infecting Seven of Nine with the unresolvable shape virus and sending her back to the Collective: Starfleet general orders again.. although Picard had an opportunity to do this (Hugh) and didnt, its still No Fuckin Excuse!
4: Temporal prime directive violation, Earth 1996: (Future's End) Failure to remove all 29th century technology from Henry Starling's possession and removing Chronowerx from power. Keep in mind Chronowerx was never supposed to have existed, and did only because 29th century technology was stolen by a 20th century thief... whose character was based on Billy himself and his company on Microsoft... need i say more?
5: Temporal prime directive violation, Stardate 54985 (Endgame)... According to Starfleet regulations, Janeway should simply have locked her future self in the brig, destroyed her shuttle, and went on along her merry way. The fact that NOT doing so enabled her to destroy a Borg transwarp network hub was probably the ONLY reason she wasnt cashiered out of Starfleet upon return...
edit 6: Losing her ship TWICE... to the Kazon (Basics) and later to the Hirogen (The Killing Game). Prime Directive, equipment disposition, simple incompetence... not to mention the change to the balance of power in the Delta Quadrant... christ, Janeway cant keep ONE ship under her command, who knows just how spectacularly she'll fuck up the whole fleet????
The collective penalty for all these offenses: promotion to admiral?????? Doesnt make a whole hell of a lot of sense, does it?
[ December 11, 2002: Message edited by: The Rev. Annorax ]
Janeway made some critical errors and broke Federation directives many times, but as they pointed out many times in the series, they had to change the rules to survive in the Delta Quadrant. I don't know if that's a very good excuse.
Janeway also violated the temporal prime directive by holding on to the Doc's mobile emitter. And the ship was taken another time (third season I think) by those harmless-looking aliens that acted like they didn't know why they were replacing the crew.
Let's get this straight: Janeway goes to the Delta Quadrant and breaks rules for seven years and gets a promotion to admiral when she gets back. Meanwhile, Picard is a war hero before he's even captain, gets command of the Star Gazer for a while, then is transferred to the flagship of the Federation, continually saves the Federation's ass for fifteen years, yet he is still a Captain! And I recall Riker getting promotion offers the second season of TNG. Why is he still a commander fifteen years later??!!
Instead of the unsolvable shape puzzle,
this is what they should have sent to the Borg.
Picard and Riker stayed in their positions for so long because they wanted to - refusing promotions and the like... but I cant see one thing... these are all capable, honorable officers... why the hell werent they all promoted during the Dominion War when captains WERE needed? One would think Riker and Data would have made captain easily... and promotions during war i believe CANT be turned down...
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