Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Damned Spammers
Has anyone else had to deal with this? I check my email and I get spam. Lots of it. That's not what has me miffed at this moment. I start deleting it all and I come across an email without a sender and the subject
quote: Subject: GNU General Public License for more details. mf
--- End quote ---
I didn't think anything of it until I opened it. An ad for viagra. Are they starting to come after geeks now or something? Yeah, you normally see the subject lines for these things like "Increase penis size in 2 weeks" or whatever. But the f**king GPL? What the hell?
yeah, I really hate the ones that have the re: in the subject line and ones that try to sound like they come from your friends
That's why ou use 2 e-mail addresses.
Evolution email filters are your friend.
I think I'm going to have to abandon another email account because I get like ten spam messages per day. Ridiculous.
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