Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Quit your god damned bitching.


Okay people, shut the hell up. Its up to the moderators to decide what gets binned. I will try my best to keep valid stuff here. There is a very fine line, that personally xeen and laukev7 dont quite understand in my opinion. But I will moderate how I want to, and they can do what they want. I suggest rather then starting threads, just to tell refalm you think they are wankers.

Personally that Fuck You All thread, would go in the bin with me, because the person has made the wrong approach at what he wanted to say.

Hint: If you dont like most of us, then we most likly dont like you. Do us a favour and block this site from your home network.

hay stay cool in school you know what i mean dawg??


Edit: OMFG!!!11`111

[ December 28, 2003: Message edited by: TheQuirk: I Just Want Attention ]


quote:Originally posted by X11: always understood:
There is a very fine line, that personally xeen and laukev7 dont quite understand in my opinion
--- End quote ---

I thought when we talked on AIM I explained to you what my problem was with those few threads I complained about.

quote:Quit your god damned bitching.
--- End quote ---

Take your own damn advice already.

I rule


quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Take your own damn advice already.
--- End quote ---

As a moderator, I feel im liceneced to bitch.

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

I thought when we talked on AIM I explained to you what my problem was with those few threads I complained about.
--- End quote ---

you did, that doesnt mean I agreed with your problem.

[ December 28, 2003: Message edited by: X11: always understood ]


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