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I learnt to get over my mac bias long ago. It's simple. Most of those who diss mac are usually windoids. Do windoids have a valid opinion/know what the fuck their talking about? NOPE! That means that much of the anti-mac stuff is BS.


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
I'm not sure if he purposely ment it like that but i sware there are way to many mac bashers out there.

Apple is problably one of the few forward thinking computer companies in existence right now.  I think that one of societies biggest problems is is that children are taught to hate macs at an early age.  And then they grow up to become bac bashing PC gamers.  Then worse ...
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i must confess. i used to bash mac users. maybe because i used to be a windroid and even after i started w/ linux i never lost my bias against macs?

maybe if i ever get a mac i'll think more fairly of them


quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:951:

even worse? as if switching to mac is bad? fuck off.
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Sorry guys

I didn't mean to stir the pot it was just a joke

besides I've said it before and i'll say it again I really, really like OSX.  I even went to kde-look.org and found this kde add on OSX icon bar if you want it, you need a program called super karamba, or karamba

its sooo cool lookes just like OSX, but free!


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