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Apple Marklar????
It seems that Aplle has decided to port OSX to the x86 achitecture. As a completely uninformed computer user (as far as Apple goes) I'm interested to the point that I know OSX is unix based. Have any of the Apple-heads that post here heard anything about this? I have a feeling that, although it would be nice to have another player on the feild, Apple seems to be just as proprietary about their OS as Microsoft is.
Any comments?
Yes, OSX was ported to x86. Why? It may be a backup plan of sorts, or an experiment. Will it ever be released? Probably not.
The OSX core is already availible for x86 in the thing called Darwin. All they really had to do was port the aqua layer.
EDIT: Mods, this belongs in the Mac forum.
[ December 29, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
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