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an IM From our veryown TROLL

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KiDwithIsSuEs 00: yes?
MSCorpXP: why do you insist on bashing Microsoft operating systems
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: I don't, I don't like them but I can make them stable
MSCorpXP: please stop posting anti Microsoft threads and responses because the future of the world lies within Windows
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Its called FreeDom of speach
MSCorpXP: but you are only confusing people
MSCorpXP: Windows provides comfort and Linux provides trouble and hard use
MSCorpXP: there is no better operating system in the world than Windows
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: no... You haven't used Linux, Most of us use both... and Linux is better , yes XP is comfortable but not worth it
MSCorpXP: Microsoft will soon prove that with the release of code-name Longhorn
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Yes, I know Code longcorn
MSCorpXP: the future belongs to Windows
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: (RIPOFF)
MSCorpXP: because new security features will make Linux and open source unusable
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: no...
MSCorpXP: I believe so
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Why won't you stop telling me this SHIT
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: M$ = Ripoff Bullshit
MSCorpXP: Ok I understand that you have been brainwashed
MSCorpXP: good bye
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Bye fuckshit

I Think he has been brainwashed    :eek:      :eek:      :mad:              

and Also this Convo

MSCorpXP: no my friend, Microsoft provides people with ease of use, comfort, security, technical support, and Microsoft helps the economy
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Go wack off to bill gates pics
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: I can't find the SSH POP3, FTP, or SMTP server software on XP, Where is it? (NoWhere I know windows SUX)
MSCorpXP: you can download SSH for free from their websie
MSCorpXP: or better yet, just do this:
Go to Start Menu, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools and select Command Prompt
Then use the TELNET command
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: my friend is a noob and he doesnt know how to use telnet? Is it that user friendly?
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: NO
MSCorpXP: telnet is used the same way as SSH pretty much
MSCorpXP: telnet address
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: THe SSH Sevrer the one on the site is the 'Client'
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: no answer huh M$ boy?
MSCorpXP: i'm sorry what was the question
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Where can I get the SSH Server for Windows
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: On Knoppix there are like 5 SSH SOftware installed but currently none from windows
MSCorpXP: you can download one
MSCorpXP: search on msn.com for SSH
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: lol, MSN.com (Nice joke)
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: to bad windows doesnt come with everything you need
MSCorpXP: Microsoft will not integrate one into Windows because people will start bitching and suing for the integration
MSCorpXP: because if they do integrate such a product it will be far superior and will crush competition
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Waah whah whah (Sure they can) and M$ Office is free? huh (Openoffice.org Rules)
MSCorpXP: Open Office is very inferior
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: no, it's supirior
MSCorpXP: how so
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: All the same Shit and FREE, Stable, Does a better job, Better shit to add, more fonts that are nice
MSCorpXP: can you name a single (important) feature found in OpenOffice that is not found in Microsoft Office 2003
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Yes, M$ Office 2003 isn't free
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Don't talk to me unless you know WTF your talkin' about
KiDwithIsSuEs 00: Good Bye (Blocking Your Ass)

[ October 03, 2003: Message edited by: KiDwithIsSuEs 00 ]

Heh. I got an IM too  :D

MSCorpXP: hello
M a n i a man268: hi
MSCorpXP: Please stop making fun of my posts
M a n i a man268: Judging by your aim name, I'm going to assume your "Microsoft Corportation" from Miscrosuck... would I be correct?
MSCorpXP: yes
M a n i a man268: It would help if you didn't post the same posts 500 different times
M a n i a man268: I agree some people are being major asses though
MSCorpXP: I will continue to preach the Windows gospel
MSCorpXP: people must realize that Microsoft Windows is the future
M a n i a man268: When it isn't?
MSCorpXP: it is
M a n i a man268: got proof?
MSCorpXP: yes
MSCorpXP: First paragraph and last four paragraphs of this

yeah. he IM'ed me too...

this is gettin' pretty obsessive

Thank goodness he didn't message ME, or I would have had to cry!


He is a fucking ideot who wastes his time worshipping M$

(If you think otherwise I dont care)


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